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Today was a special day. Jimin woke up with a good feeling, so he called Namjoon and Jungkook over to his house to help him with his special project he was going to do. He smiled thinking of how Yoongis face is going to light up at the surprise he was going to give him. What is this surprise you ask? Well. You’re going to see. Anyways, Namjoon and Jungkook knocked on Jimins door then came in, seeing Jimin sitting at his coffee table with his papers spread out on it, staring at it.

“Hey Jimin.”

Jimin looked up to see the two and smiled at them. “Come come! I have something planned for Yoongi today.” he said in excitement, spreading the sheets of paper out more. Jungkook and Namjoon sat on either side of the blonde male, looking at the papers.

“I made a whole list to do today for him. I found out what restaurants he likes, what animals and colors he likes..I was thinking of going to the zoo with him today.” Jimin exclaimed, pointing to one of the papers.

“What’s all this for, Jimin-Hyung?” Jungkook asked, then watched at Jimins fingers crawled up on the paper, pointing to a box that he drew. “I got to stop at the jewelry store first. You two will help me pick out an engagement ring.”

“Enga- you’re proposing?” Namjoon asked. Jimin couldn’t help but smile brightly as he nodded and giggled, “I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he sees it! i can just imagine it now.”

The two other males smiled and nodded at him. “He’d be really surprised and really happy to marry you! I just imagine little Jimins and little Yoongis running around in the house.”

“Woah- woah we aren’t thinking of any kids yet. Maybe in the future, not now.” Jimin chuckled. “Plus, he can’t get pregnant. He’s a guy, and men can’t get pregnant.”

Namjoon chuckled and looked at Jungkook, “Yeah Jungkook, he can’t get pregnant.”

“Yes I know, it was a rhetorical statement Hyung. I know. I just like imagining stuff.” Jungkook smiled out, giggling a little. Jimin smiled and got up, “I already have his ring size. Me and him were out one day and Yoongi saw some nice rings, he tried some on. Now, let’s go see what one would be most special for him.”

“How about with his birthstone?” Namjoon suggested.

“No, do one with diamond! Everyone loves diamond.” Jungkook said, cutting into the conversation. Jimin decided to get a custom ring with Yoongis birthstone and a diamond to make it equal.

“Alright! Let’s go!”

The three cheered in triumphant and went out to Jimins car to go to the jewelry store.


Yoongi woke up to a call, yawning as he grabbed his phone off the dresser next to the mattress and picked up, “Hello..?” speaking in a soft but deep, raspy voice as he just woke up. He heard Jimin say hello and smiled tiredly before answering back.

“What do you need Hyungie..?”

“Can you go to your front door please?” Jimin asked from the other side. Yoongi groaned softly as he got up, stretching before walking over to the front door and unlocked it. “I’m there.”

“Open the door love. I have a surprise for you.”

Yoongi got curious and opened the door, seeing Jimin standing there with a big bouquet of flowers in one hand and a individually wrapped box in the other hand. He hung up his phone and put it away as he took the flowers and smiled softly. “Thank you..o-oh- come in.” he said still tired, opening the door all the way to let the blonde in.

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