Chapter Thirteen

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"Okay, you all should know how this is going to go, " Achilles said, sitting tall behind his desk. "But for those of you who might not, I will briefly explain."

His eyes drifted to Mel, she knew that she was the one he was referring to.

"I will ask you each your side of the story. Everybody else will stay silent while each individual is speaking. Everything will be recorded for the sake of looking back on the conflict at a later date. Punishments will be decided by myself on what I see is fit."

Mel glared at the four girls that sat there smugly. They had the audacity to take up this silly little matter to Achilles. Mel was barely holding on to her sanity. All she and her wolf wanted to do was put those girls in their place.

Achilles looked directly at the girl sitting closest to him. He didn't want Mel to go first out of fear of these girls crying over him being unfair. Everybody in the pack already had speculation that he and Mel were a thing. But would it really be so bad if everybody knew? Achilles shook his head and spoke to the girl.

"Lucinda, you will go first. When I start the recording you will state your full name and then tell your side of the altercation."

Mel held back a growl. Altercation? What had they told Achilles?

Achilles started the recording on his phone and nodded to Lucinda who flashed him a flirty smile. Mel suddenly knew what this was about. Her wolf growled possessively in her mind.

"My name is Lucinda Beatrice Temples, the daughter of Warrior Gray Temples and Pack Supply Manager Serina Temples," Lucinda said proudly.

Achilles cleared his throat, "Begin your recollection"

"Okay, so Mel came to the Garden late and was taking to Zora. Naturally, us girls were curious about who she was so when he came over we decided to get to know her. We were asking her question and she just ignored us. Then Kasey said that I should shut up,"

Kasey was glaring at Lucinda early as she effortlessly lied.

"I told her that was rude and that she needed to apologize to me. Kasey refused to apologize saying that she didn't have to because she has Autism," Lucinda put her hand over her heart feigning sorrow. "I never liked Kasey, but I never thought she would fake a disability to get sympathy."

Kasey stood up abruptly, "I didn't say any of that!"

"Sit down, Kasey," Achilles growled.

At that Mel couldn't stop the growl that left her, "Lucinda is spewing lies. Kasey is right to defend herself. Maybe your procedure is just obsolete, Alpha."

"Mel," Achilles growled.

"No, we are done here," Mel said lethally.

"See, this is what they are like!" Lucinda cried, "You need to punish them."

"Oh, go throw rocks at children, Lucinda," Kasey spat.

Achilles let out a terrifying growl, which gripped everybody's attention immediately. He stood there with his fist on his desk and shook slightly. To say he was furious was an understatement.

"Melody Sars and Kasey Clements stay here," Achilles growled. "The rest of you get out."

The girls reminded solidly in place, which only served to anger Achilles further.

"Get out now!" He shouted.

Within three seconds the girls were gone and only Mel and Kasey remained. The thing that made Mel the most annoyed was that she wasn't sure whether to be angry, scared, or absolutely turned on.

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