The Plan

398 17 2

3 person POV


He opened the blinds of the window once again. To reveal...

"FUCKING SHITTY BIRD MADE WASTE MY TIME" Bakugou stomped towards the door to make the bird fly away. "KACHAAN! The news reporter said don't go outside! What if you get infected!?" Bakugou seemed to think for a moment "Fine shitty nerd but if that bird comes back it won't have. any wings to fly away with" 

(Time skip to 2 weeks later)

Bakugou opened the fridge, a lonely bottle of water sat in the middle of the fridge. He stood there for a second and then looked at his classmates "We are leaving soon." Was all he said before taking the bottle and chugging it. "Bakugou we could have used that for later!" Protested Uraraka. Bakugou glared at her, his red eyes seemed as if they pierced through her soul. 

She looked down knowing that arguing with Bakugou any longer could cause a fight. Izuku came to comfort her while Bakugou just took the tv remote from Kaminary and changed the chanel to the news.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and started watching. Apparently the only way to get infected was to get bitten by an infected person, they were calling them 'The walkers' or 'The bitters'. "Bakubro are you sure we should leave? Those things look horrifying, plus we would risk loosing some of us"

"Yeah" said Kaminary

"If you'd rather starve to death suit yourself. Oi Deku." Izuku turned his head away from the tv and towards Bakugou leaning it to the side a bit. "I know you have been studying those things, what info do you have on them, besides what the news say?" Izuku stayed quiet for a bit, suprised that Bakugou wasn't screaming for once. "I...well uh I"

"SPEAK ALREADY IT'S NOT THAT HARD" Izuku flinched "I found out they don't run, they are really slow but they travel in groups! At-At night they travel in smaller groups than in the day" everyone seemed to think about the information Izuku had given them. 

Bakugou walked out of the main area toward the dorms, everyone's eyes followed him in confusion. When he came back he had a pen and a sheet of paper, everyone still stared at him.

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL EXTRAS STARING AT" kaminary and kirishima seemed unfazed by this while Izuku and Uraraka flinched in fear. Iida was just standing there. Bakugou grabbed the pen and aggressively started writing and drawing on the paper.

Everyone gathered around the coffee table to see what was going on. "Since they travel in smaller groups at night we will go outside at 7 when it will be dark but not exaggeratingly dark. We all stay toghether and raid houses near here. Whatever we find we bring and we make sure no one gets bitten in the process." 

"Wow Bakubro since when are you so calm and rational?" Said Kirishima still looking at the paper. "IM ALWAYS CALM AND RATIONAL" "Yeah right" Kaminary said while bakugou looked at him as if he had signed his own death contract. Which he had.

(Time skip to 6:50)

"Get you're weapons because we are leaving" Bakugou convinced everyone that they needed to have a weapon. 

(Hi I hope you enjoyed ☺)

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