Kaminari ❤ his jerky

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(3rd person POV )


"I have been trying to find the cure for the apocalypse"


"HOW?" Kaminary freaked out.

"W-well I have been testing on some subjects..." Momo said.

"S-SUBJECTS?!?!? WHAT KIND OF SUBJECTS?" Iida freaked out.

"Not like that! I mean zombie subjects not humans"

"So have you gotten anything good out of it?" Asked Kirishima curiously.

"Well...I haven't gotten a cure for the virus but..."

"But?" Uraraka tried to make her continue.

"But I have had a bit of process on an ALMOST antidote"

"But it still a work in progress most of the time it doesn't work. Plus if it does they are not completely back to normal."

"But atleast you got something! This could end the apocalypse for all we know!" Said Kirishima enthusiasticly.

"Maybe" Yayorosu thought for a second.

Kaminary's stomach growled loudly.

"Sorry!" He said a bit embarrassed.

"Oh don't worry about it! I have a lot of food in here come find something you like" Said Momo as she guided them to a part of the warehouse that had a bunch of boxes filled with beans,onions,potatoes,squash,apples,beef jerky,peanuts etc. (All those last a pretty long time)

"YOU HAVE BEEF JERKY HERE?!" Kaminary yelled as he picked up a handful of the individualy packed sticks.

"Bro we can stay here forever" said Kirishima before he caught the jerky that Kaminary tossed at him.

"Wow momo you sure got a lot of food here!" Uraraka stated

"Yes and it is food that take a while to expire too, very clever" Iida said speaking only facts.

They all picked something to eat and started catching up on what has been going on and all that while they ate.

(Also happy April fool's 🥰)

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