new enemies

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He follows my orders and we both crouch on the ground, an arrow hits the tree. I look back at Shadow and examine her, a dart, on her leg, we are dealing with humans. But why are they trying to kill us?
Bakugou's POV

I raise up my gun ready to shoot.

"A-AH KACHAAN!" I turn to look at Deku, I rip off the dart on his thigh and inspect it, half of whatever was inside the small tube was inside him now, he started panting he looked fatigued. Fuck. How are we getting out of this one. Deku sat on the ground trying to catch his breath.

I held onto Eri, I sat next to Deku and put my right hand on his left and hugged Eri with my left arm, I closed my eyes hoping this was just a dream.

"Kachaan..." he fell to the ground, his eyes closed.

"IZUKU!" He was on the ground panting what had they done to him? I pulled him up to me and and held him on my right arm, what do I do now. "FUCKING BASTARDS LEAVE US ALONE!" Was all I could yell before I felt myself slip out of consciousness aswell.

I open my eyes and squint a bit I look around and noticed my legs are tied, someone was dragging me somewhere then I fell unconscious again.

(Time skip to bout an hour later)

"Kachaan, wake up Kachaan" I heard Deku whisper, I slowly open my eyes.

"Nnnh...Deku? Deku...where are we..."

"Oh Kachaan thank god!" Deku pressed his forehead against mine and smiled in relief.

"Get away from me damn nerd."

"Oh yeah s-sorry Kachaan" he frowned a bit.

I tried to stretch but I couldn't move my legs were tied to eachother and my arms were tied behind my back. I look at Deku and I see they did the same to him...

"SHIT DEKU WHERE ARE ERI AND MUTT?!" I start wiggling around trying to get the ropes off.

"K-kachaan calm down! They are over there in the corner"

I looked to where Deku was pointing with his head, he was right, Eri was tied as well, she was chained up so she could actually move but she wouldn't be able to run away, mutt was tied up with a large thick rope around her neck. She wouldn't stop barking and growling.
3rd person POV

The room was dark and quite large, all its walls were made of gray concrete besides one that had large metal poles covering it like a jail cell. The room was really cold aswell and what was behind the metal bars was a long white hallway with dim lights.
Bakugou's POV (once again)

Step step step

I lifted my head up to see who was walking and then I looked back at Deku.

"Oi stupid Deku how the hell did you sit up?!"

"Oh trust me Kachaan it took so long to achieve that" he said with a sigh.

"Tsk I bet I could do it quicker than you did."

"Well you two seem to get along" said a monotone voice standing from behind the bars.

"Who the hell are you" I asked with the most fearless tone I could find.

"Oh yes, sorry I didn't introduce myself, Shouto Todoroki." I squinted my eyes, he was a tall heterochromic male, half of his hair was red the other was white, left eye was brown and the right eye was a light blue, he had a large burn surrounding his right eye.

"Shut that dog up will you? Its annoying"

I laughed incredibly hard, was he an idiot? How the hell am I supposed to shut her up when I can't even move my hands? 🤣🖕

"Whats so funny 'Kachaan'?"

I quickly stop laughing and glare at him I only allow the stupid nerd to calm me that.

"Bakugou, call me Kachaan one more time and you won't even have time to call your mom before I murder you" I gave him a grin.

"And how will you do that? Bakugou?"

Tsk fucking half and half bastard.

"Anyways-" he started.

"Lets us go please! I don't know what we did to you but we are sorry!" Yelled Deku. Tsk what a pathetic weakling. The so called Todoroki walked into the room and grabbed the neck of Deku's shirt and lifted him up.

"Oh you didn't do anything bad to us in fact you helped us." Us? He continued.

"Thanks for all the supplies and the jackets too, its very cold outside. Thanks for all the food and water you gave us oh and I almost forgot the weapons too!" He was talking like a maniac, his pupils were diluted while he talked to Deku, he then proceeded to throw Deku across the room.

Deku slid on the smooth ground until he hit the back wall, he coughed at the impact. I grit my teeth, I'm the only one that gets to beat up the stupid nerd, he's my punching bag not his.

(Ello pls 🗳 vote, goodbye 👋)

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