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The walkers grabbed the wolves' legs and paws, she was unable to fight. The walkers weren't interested in eating her though, they wanted the girl. 
Bakugou's POV

"Who...? Fuck." I ran as fast as I could, a little girl, how has she even survived this long? Is she turning? Did a walker bite her? Where are her parents? All these questions were running through my head while I ran towards her.

The dog has done a good job...shit, they got the dog, I got to get there quick or the girl will be killed. I quickly got to the girl, I couldn't worry about the dog now, as much as I wanted to help her the girl was my priority now.

I scooped her off of the ground, shot a couple of walkers in the face and got back to the group, I could only hope the dog would be OK. I held her with one arm and used the other to signal my classmates to go the other way. We all ran to the metal hut to shelter ourselves, I looked back, we lost the walkers but I dont see the dog.

(Time skip to when they got inside the hut)

3rd person POV 

"Oi kid, what's your name" Bakugou asked with a serious voice.


"I asked you something SO ANSWER ME" Bakugou wasn't the most patient.

"Kachaan! She's just a kid! Hey...can you tell us your name?" Izuku asked with a worried tone. 

The little girl hesitated for a moment before talking.

"I'm Eri..." she said in almost whisper.

"Tsk why answer stupid Deku and not me" Bakugou complained.

A loud scratching sound was heard, it was coming from the door.

"Deku take care of Eri, I'm gonna check it out" Bakugou slowly moved to the door, Eri hid behind Izuku. Bakugou slowly opened the door ready to shoot. A large dark figure stood at the door...and licked Bakugou's face.

" Don't you ever do that again you scared the shit out of me flea bag! I almost shot you."

"Th-Thats the doggie that saved me!" Exclaimed Eri as she got closer to the dog.

Eri put her hand on the dog's nose a pet her "What your name?" Eri asked looking at Bakugou.

"Katsuki Bakugou." He replied with a stern tone. "The broccoli over there is Deku" he added.

"Whats the doggie's name?" Eri asked.

"...she doesn't have one" Bakugou hadn't thought about that.

"We could vote" suggested Iida.

"Yeah!" Added Uraraka.

"I think her name should be Darkness" said Kirishima.

"Pinky!" Replied Uraraka.

" Murder." Was the only thing Bakugou said.

"Murder?!" Exclaimed Kaminary.

"What kind of name is that?!" Kaminary added to his own statement.

" Oh, Eri what do YOU think?" Asked Izuku.

"Apple!" Replied Eri. She loved apples 🍎

"We love it!" Everyone beside Bakugou yelled in union. Unfortunately that seemed to have attracted the attention of the walkers because a bunch of groans, growls and scratches were heard at the door. Bakugou lifted Eri up and placed her oN Apple.

They all volted through the back door with their supplies. Bakugou was leading the group as he ussually was, Apple ran right next to him while carrying Eri on her back. Eri held on to the dog's hair and prepared herself for the ride.

(Good afternoon my friends 😍 pls vote 🗳 if you enjoyed, I would really appreciate that)

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