The normal morning

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This was their life now...and they had to get used to it as soon as possible or surviving would be more of a nightmare than it is now.
3rd person POV

The cycle of breaking into homes continued for about 2 months, it had become a normal almost daily thing and everyone was now used to it. Killing 'walkers' didn't have as much of an effect on the group of students anymore.

None of them have seen their families in such a long time and most of them regret not spending enough time with their parents. They could have gone through all this together but the past can't be changed anymore, it was too late for that. Bakugou had now become like a parent figure, he was not only the strongest and most fearless in the group but also the one that took care of everyone.

No one really expected that kind of behavior from Bakugou but it was nice having him around to help. Izuku was mostly the planner and if you needed any info on basically anything, he had it. They were both the key pieces to the group of students, without them all of the members would probably not have made it this far.

Iida as always kept order in the group and made sure Bakugou only killed 'walkers' and not the members of the team. Thankfully though everything had gone smoothly or atleast way more smooth than they expected. 

The sun was rising in the pink and orange sky as the moon looked like it was fading away. Silence was the only thing that could be heard for miles. Everyone woke up to the awesome smell of pancakes and scrambled eggs.

Bakugou and Izuku had been cooking earlier this morning. The members that were now waking up groaned. They were all tired and exhausted from the day before, they were running from a large group of the so called walkers.

"Whats that smell?"

"Wow it smells so good"

"I smell pancakes"

Izuku looked at them while they all stretched "Come get them while they are warm!" Izuku exclaimed. If it was put out of context it would seem like another normal morning but it definitely wasn't. The birds were not singing their usual songs. The grass wasn't green anymore. The trees were dead and the leaves on the ground were slowly disintegrating. Bodies of the used to be humans lied around the neighborhood.

Bakugou served equal portions for everyone and they all sat down and ate including Izuku and himself. They all enjoyed their meal.

"Can I have seconds?" Asked Kirishima as he ate the last bite of his pancakes.

"Sure!" Replied Izuku .

"Whatever" said Bakugou while finishing his scrambled eggs.

Izuku finished and started reading through his note book, his note book contained many facts and observations that he had made while living in this apocalypse, not only what he had seen but also what the news have said. He also had different scenarios in each page and how they could get out alive.

Bakugou peeked, Izuku didn't noticed and continued reading. He started writing on an empty page. Bakugou read it and sighed.

"O-oh Kachaan, did y-you need something?"

" I don't need anything, nerd"


"Mh...the walkers have started running...this could be bad how could we counter this? It shouldn't be that bad if they are in smaller groups but if we encounter a bigger group we could be in big trouble. If we change all our trips to be made in the night time we would have a better chance of survival but we wouldn't be able to see very well and that could be another disadvantage so what do we do?" Mumbled Izuku to himself.

"WE BEAT THEM TO A PULP!" Replied Bakugou even though Izuku wasn't talking to him.

"We can't always rely on violence to resolve the problem" countered Iida

" We are talking about Bakugou here, he IS violence" replied Kaminary.

Uraraka opened the door to the fridge to get some water. "Boys! We have a problem! We are running out of food" "We know pink cheeks" replied Bakugou unfazed by her statement. "We are leaving for good tomorrow" Izuku opened his mouth to talk but was cut off by three of his friends. "WHAT?!" Replied Kirishima, Uraraka and Kaminary in union.

Izuku continued "We have basically raided every house near here and most of the neighborhoods nearby, we need to leave tomorrow and find another place to stay." Bakugou nodded at what he said. They had both been planning this at night. 

"But won't it be dangerous to go somewhere we don't know anything about?" Replied Uraraka.

"Look we need to leave, we either stay here and starve or die of dehydration or we leave and try to find a new place to stay." Bakugou said with a strangely calm but also demanding  voice.

"We should start packing if we want to be ready for tomorrow morning then" kirishima suggested with a slightly exited voice. "Shitty hair is right, start packing."

(Hello friends 🙃 please give me some feedback 🙏 😊 so that I can make my stories better in the future! I read my stories over at least twice to make sure there are no grammar issues but if there is i apologize🥲)

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