Spooky Forest

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I slowly opened my eyes again, I realized I was right behind Deku. A wave of relief washed over me as I came closer to him.
Uraraka's POV

Bakugou told us to keep going fordward, Izuku had a worried look in his face.

"Deku, are you ok?" I ask with a sad and worried expression. He doesn't answer and just turns around, for a second he just stands there but then he starts running the opposite direction.

"I'm going to get Kachaan you guys keep going." Was all he said before he dissapeared into the distance, I was about to follow but Iida told me to listen to them so I kept running with my friends. Hopefully they will all be ok in the end.

Its been about 15 minutes since Deku left and I'm getting real worried.


Was that Apple? Did something happen to her? Did the walkers get them? I'm really scared for them. We made a couple of turns and what not because we stumbled across some groups of walkers.
3rd person POV

The two boys run until their stomachs hurt. They ran in the direction their classmates had taken but they didn't find them, the two boys managed to find a forest and decided they would camp there for the time being.

The large trees with dark green leaves and roots bulging out of the ground made the place look terrifying, even though it was day time it seemed like midnight, the tall trees didn't allow the sun's rays to touch any inch of the ground bellow.
Izuku's POV

This is terrifying. If i was here alone I dont know what I would do, at least Kachaan is here though. We were walking alongside eachother, I was still holding Apple's chain since she seemed to have trouble walking, I dont blame her though she had deep cuts and scratches everywhere.

"Mr. Deku...I'm scared..." Eri blurted out in her low voice.

"Don't worry w-w-e'll be just f-fine" I gave her a large smile to reassure her that we were safe, I myself was incredibly scared.
Bakugou's POV

Deku keeps looking over his shoulder. He was trembling a little i could tell he was trying to hide it, but he sucks at hiding things.

"Oi Deku stop being a baby"

"A-ah Kachaan, s-sorry I'm just...cold" He stuttered out. Did I mention he also sucks at lying?

"Tsk we'll be fine so stop shaking"

"Right." He replied.

I went on ahead to look for some clearing on the ground where we could camp.

Oh shit.
3rd person POV

The tall male covered his mouth with one hand looking up at a tree branch that held a hanging man, the blonde looked around for his classmate. Bakugou spotted the short greenette and covered his eyes with one hand and held his waist with the other so he could guide his friend without him seeing the horrifying sight.

"Whats wrong Kachaan?" The small boy finally talked.
Bakugou's POV

"You don't need to know" I say.

He doesn't need to see this, not yet anyway he's too innocent.

"Mr. Bakugou what's that?" Eri pointed up at the tree with the hanging man. Shit. I was too busy worrying about Deku that I forgot that Eri was here, she's so quiet you don't notice she's there.

"Oh...that- thats just a um..." SHIT Katsuki! Say something anything, she won't know anyways.


"Oh ok..." ...she believed that?!

(Time skip to when they found a clearing where they could sit)

"Kachaan can you let me go now?" I forgot I was still holding him. I let go and uncover his eyes.

"Thanks!" He smiled at me, cute...SHIT, not cute, not cute, not cute. He's just a stupid nerd that's all he is and all he will be.


I turn my head to face behind me.

"Mutt!" I run up to her and pick Eri up from the ground. Izuku looked behind him and was shocked to see Apple on the ground and I carrying Eri. He lets go of the chain and walks towards us. Apple is breathing.

"Eri is your knee ok?" Asks Deku as he takes her from me. I looked at her knee, it was a little scraped but she wasn't crying or anything, it was bleeding a little too.

"It's ok..." she replies.


He follows my orders and we both crouch down on the ground, an arrow hits the tree. I look back at the dog and examine her, a dart, on her leg, we are dealing with humans. But why are they trying to kill us?

(Heh sorry this chapter had so many POV changes 😅)

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