Falling behind

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They all volted through the back door with their supplies. Bakugou was leading the group as he ussually was, Shsdow ran right next to him while carrying Eri on her back. Eri held on to the wolve's hair and prepared herself for the ride.
Bakugou's POV :)

I was leadding the extras, honestly I have no idea where I'm taking them but what we all knew was that we have to run. I looked to my left then to my right, where the hell did Apple go? I look behind me, she's falling behind.


"Apple HURRY YOUR SLOW ASS UP" I said slowing down a little, she kept getting slower and slower at this rate her and Eri will be eaten.

Shit x2

"EVERYONE KEEP GOING FORDWARD" I started running the opposite way, I had to get to them or else. Apple started howling for some reason, I guess she was asking for help, I was running as quick as I could.

I grabbed the dog, Eri still on it, I saw as my classmates dissapeared into the distance, there I was alone, sweaty, being chased by a stampede of walkers and carrying a 110 pound dog  that was carrying a little girl. Wondering how I was holding my assault riffle? With my mouth, yes it hurt.

The walkers were catching up to me now...wait what the hell...?

"DEKU WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?! I TOLD YOU TO GO AHEAD!" I said with a muffled voice because of the gun in my mouth.

"I COULDNT JUST LEAVE YOU HERE ALONE!" He replied, I chuckled.


"YEP!" Izuku exclaimed

Deku took the pistol out of the pocket of his backpack and started shooting the walkers behind me, he was good at aiming even though he said he had never used a gun.

"Mr. Bakugou will we be ok?" Eri asked with tears welling up in her eyes.

"If you don't cry we will be ok, alright? So no crying." I obviously lied to her, I have no idea how this will turn out. 


What's your plan Deku? I thought to myself, what do you have up your sleeve? I put Apple down while running, Eri screamed a little since she got startled by that.

"COME HERE GIRL COME ON Apple!" Deku yelled, it was pretty loud since the walkers wouldn't stop growling and that shit.

The dog was running as quick as she could, You can tell from how much she was panting. It was now that I noticed why she was being so slow, her whole body was filled with scratches that were deep and bleeding, how had I not notice?

She got to Deku, he then grabbed the chain around her neck and pulled her so she would go faster, she picked up speed but now I was the one falling behind the group. Deku turned his head so he was looking at me and he closed his eyes tightly while he screamed

"YOU CAN DO IT KACHAAN!" He then turned his head again to look in front of him. I don't know why but those words gave me a boost of energy. I ran, I closed my eyes and just...ran, ran as fast as I could, with all the strength I had left, I ran with all my might. I needed to get to the others..
Nevermind the others were gone now, I needed to get to Deku.

I slowly opened my eyes again, I realized I was right behind Deku. A wave of relief washed over me as I came closer to him.

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