The Sadie Hawkins Dance

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"Since we didn't have a prom last year, Figgins has asked us to be the band for the Sadie Hawkins dance." Will tells the Glee club.

"What's the Sadie Hawkins?" Sam asks.

"The girls have to ask the guys to the dance." Will says.

The girls eye their loved ones out and think of ways to ask them to the dance.


"Hello Jake." Kitty says to Jake near his locker.

"Kitty." Jake says.

"So, you wanna go to the Sadie Hawkins with me?"


"Has Boobless already asked you?"


"Then you're free."

"I'm waiting for her to ask me."

"She might not ask you."

"She will. Just leave me alone, Kitty." Jake closes his locker and storms off to find Marley.


"Ryder." Nellie says, walking up to Ryder. Michael is nearby and tries listening to their conversation.

"Yeah." Ryder says.

"Do you want to go to the Sadie Hawkins dance with me?" Nellie asks.

"I'd love to, Nell." Ryder says and kisses his girlfriend.

Michael's heartbreaks and he walks off. He knew that Nellie would ask Ryder to the dance so he got his hopes up for nothing.


Rachel walks down the hall. She's walking to Finn's locker so she goes around the corner and sees two cheerleaders, a blonde one and a brunette talking to Finn. He looks really uncomfortable talking to them. Rachel stays by the corner to watch them. She moves closer to three and listens to their conversation.

"So, Finn. We should really go to the dance together." The blonde cheerleader says.

"I'm sort of waiting for my girlfriend to ask me." Finn says, looking in his locker.

"Who's your girlfriend again?" The brunette cheerleader asks.

"Rachel Berry." Finn says, proudly.

"Ew." Both of the cheerleaders say.

"What's bad about her?" Finn asks.

"She's a man handed hobbit." The blonde cheerleader says.

"She's also such a little Miss David Schwimmer." The brunette cheerleader says.

Both of the cheerleaders' insults sting Rachel. She just hopes Finn stands up for her.

"No she isn't. She's perfect." Finn protests, closing his locker.

"Nobody's perfect." The brunette cheerleader says.

"Quoted by both Hannah Montana and Jessie J." The blonde cheerleader says.

"To me, she's perfect." Finn says. He looks down the hall and sees Rachel watching him. He pushes past the two cheerleaders and walks up to Rachel. He grabs her hand and they walk down the hall.

"So, do you want to go to the dance with me?" Rachel asks.

"I'd love to, babe." Finn says and kisses Rachel.

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