Take Me Home, Teenage Dream, Believe & Overexposed

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This a chapter dedicated to three of the awesomest albums ever (my opinion): Take Me Home (Yearbook Edition) by One Direction, Teenage Dream (The Complete Confection) by Katy Perry,Overexposed by Maroon 5 and Believe by Justin Bieber (I liked this album over the rest).



Will comes speed walking into Glee club, "Marley, give me an album you love."

"One Direction's Take Me Home." Marley says.

Will writes up 'Take Me Home' on the board, "Sam, an album you love."

"Believe by Justin Bieber." Sam says.

Will writes up 'Believe' on the board, "Jake, an album you love."

"Overexposed by Maroon 5." Jake says.

Will writes up 'Overexposed' on the board, "Finally, Blaine, an album you love."

"Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection by Katy Perry." Blaine says.

Will finally writes up 'Teenage Dream' on the board, "These in four members of the New Direction's point of views, are the best albums at the moment. This week is dedicated basically to Katy Perry, One Direction, Maroon 5 and Justin Bieber."

The New Directions cheer and clap.

"This is gonna be awesome." Artie says.


Rachel and Finn are making out in Rachel's room. She stops and pulls away from him.

"Finn? I need to know something." Rachel says.

"What babe?" Finn asks.

"Are you still a virgin?" Rachel asks.

'Crap, you're a virgin Finn', Finn thinks, 'Tell her your not a virgin since she's too cool to not be a virgin too but then she could be a virgin. Just say something, stupid!'

"Yes." Finn says, speaking the truth.

"So am I and last week when we were practicing for our song for the girls versus boys competition, Santana told us to act sexy for 'Milkshake' but I said I was a virgin and I can't really act sexy." Rachel rambles.

"I thought you were pretty hot." Finn says.

"Thank you, Finn. You were pretty hot in your track suit for your number too." Rachel says.

"I know. It was really hot in that track suit." Finn says. Rachel giggles.

"One day, I want you to be my first." Rachel says with a smile.

"Same here. It could be tonight since your dads' aren't home but I don't have any protection on me." Finn says.

"Maybe it could be on Friday. My dads' will be still be away so..." Rachel says, seductively.

"I'm in, babe." Finn says and kisses her again. That just leads to them making out.


The next day, Ryder already has a song prepared.

"Which album is this from?" Will asks.

"Overexposed." Ryder says.

Will nods. Ryder smiles and the band begin.

Here I am waiting, I'll have to leave soon

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