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So, now it's time for NYADA auditions.

I'm actually getting really sad now since next will be Prom, then Nationals then Graduation and that means THREE WILL BE FINISHED! Maybe a third story in this series will be good...Possibly.

I hope you enjoy this! Will contain a shocker during the auditions (No, it won't be like the one they had on Glee but you will find this one shocking). Note: I will be using my fave solo from each of the three auditioning for NYADA


"Carmen Tibideaux is in Lima! Oh god! Oh god!" Rachel panics to Blaine and Kurt by her and Kurt's locker.

"Don't worry, we'll do good." Blaine says, putting a hand on Rachel's shoulder to calm her down.

"Hopefully." Kurt says.

"What are you guys singing?" Rachel asks.

"I'm thinking either 'Cough Syrup', 'Somewhere Only We Know', 'It's Time' or 'Hopelessly Devoted To You'." Blaine explains.

"I don't know. Maybe 'Blackbird', 'I Want To Hold Your Hand', 'Not The Boy Next Door' or 'Being Alive'." Kurt says.

"What about you, Rachel?" Blaine asks.

"I think 'Don't Rain On My Parade', 'The Only Exception', 'My Man', 'Cry', 'Without You' or 'Being Good Isn't Good Enough'. What do you guys think?" Rachel asks.

"I think a good old Barbra song will be awesome so go with 'Don't Rain On My Parade'. What about for me?" Blaine asks.

"You should do 'Cough Syrup' since you are really good with that song. What about you, Kurt? What are you going to sing?" Rachel asks.

"I might do 'I Want To Hold Your Hand'." Kurt says.

"Such a good song." Blaine says.


The three friends go into the auditorium for the auditions. Madam Carmen Tibideaux is sitting as their examiner. Finn and Marley with the three friends to watch to. Marley wants to support her best friend since they haven't really done a lot of hanging out lately while Finn wants to support his girlfriend, his brother and his brother's boyfriend.

"Mr Blaine Anderson, you are up first." Carmen says.

Blaine stands up, releasing his grip on Kurt's hand to head to the stage. He looks at Carmen.

"Hi, I'm Blaine Anderson and I will be singing 'Cough Syrup' by Young The Giant." Blaine says.

"Good luck." Carmen says.

"Thank you." Blaine says.

The band begin to play.

Life's too short to even care at all, oh woah oh,

I'm losin' my mind, losin' my mind, losin' control

These fishes in the sea, they're staring at me woah oh,

Oh oh oh oh,

A wet world aches for a beat of a drum,


If I could find a way to see this straight

I'd run away

To some fortune that I should have found by now

I'm waiting for this cough syrup to come down, come down

Life's too short to even care at all oh

Three (Sequel To RoseBerry)Where stories live. Discover now