Three (Sequel To RoseBerry)

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Here is the sequel to RoseBerry! No P.O.V's for most of the story. You guys will be noted if there is someone's point of view.
I'm also bringing in Michael Weisman from The Glee Project 2 as Michael Oliver, a junior who starts to get a crush on Nellie. Ryder takes his under his wing then finds out he's crushing on his girl.


4 months.
4 months till Christmas.
4 months till Marley has her baby.
The summer is now over and the New Directions are back at McKinley for a majority of the club's senior year. It's going to be tough this year.
Marley walks down the corridor on the first day back with her books in her arms and a smile of her face. This is her senior year and she has the best boyfriend by her side for it. She sees Jake at his locker, down the hall from hers and grins more. She goes to her own and puts her books away and goes to Jake.
"Hey." Marley says, suprising Jake.
"Hey," Jake says and pecks Marley's lips, "Where were you this morning? I woke up and you were gone."
"Maybe because you slept in and I got a ride with Rachel." Marley says.
"I should of checked the alarm clock. Sorry Marls." Jake says with a smile.
"It's alright. I'm here at school and you're at school now. It's fine." Marley kisses Jake and they kiss untill Kitty walks past and says;
"Jake, you should really go after a girl who isn't going to turn into a whale soon. She's getting fatter because of her pregnancy. It's all her fault you're tied down." Kitty says with an evil smirk. She grins one last time and walks off.
Marley leans her head on Jake's chest, "I wish she'd just leave us alone." Marley says.
Jake kisses his girlfriend's head, "Me too, babe. Me too."


Rachel looks at her new locker door arrangement. Photos of her and Marley in New York before Lima, her and Kurt, her and the Glee club after winning Regionals last year and a photo of her and Finn over the summer.
It was a great summer and she spent everyday with Finn. Well, not everyday. There was one day where her dads' told her to staye home for one day without Finn. She did but talked to him on Facebook and texted him nonstop. She didn't see him but she kept in contact.
She hears a close of a locker next to her and Kurt's head pops up to the side of her locker door.
"Hello Rachel darling." Kurt says.
"Hey Kurt." Rachel says smiling.
Kurt studies the photo collage on Rachel's locker door, "Whoa. Nice big photo of you and my brother there."
"Thanks." Rachel says.
"You really love him, don't you?"
"I do."
"I wouldn't blame you. One, before my dad and Finn's mom got married, I was so certain I loved him. And second, I have a big photo of Blaine and I on my locker door."
Rachel giggles, "You seriously had a crush on Finn?"
"I did. He would never have dated me though."
"Who wouldn't have ever dated you?" A husky voice says from behind Rachel. Rachel turns to see her tall boyfriend.
"Kurt told me that he had a crush on before your parents got married." Rachel says. Kurt smacks her arm and glares at her.
"Whoa." Finn says, looking at his brother.


Ryder arrives at Nellie's locker in the morning.
"Hey Nell." Ryder says.
"Hey Ryder," Nellie pecks her boyfriends lips, "Have you looked at colleges yet?"
"Actually no," Ryder fixes his bag up on his shoulder, "I don't think any college would accept me, the dyslexic student. So Puck and I are heading to LA to be rock stars'."
"I thought you were going to wait for me at Ohio State?" Nellie asks, closing her locker.
"I don't want to be stuck in Lima for my whole life."
"But we planned to go to LA after both of us finish college?"
"I know we did but I want to go to LA as soon as possible."
Nellie goes silent then the bell rings and she walks off to class.


Nellie arrives at her first class for the first day to see all the seats taken except for the table at the front of the class. A nerdy and nice looking boy sits alone at the table with the one empty seat left. Nellie took the seat next to him.
"Hi, I'm Nellie James. You look new." Nellie says.
The boy looks at her. He's quite cute and has a really adorable smile, "Hi, I'm Michael Oliver. I am new." He says.
"Welcome to McKinley." Nellie says, "Can you sing?"
"Would you be interested in joining the Glee club?"
"Are you in it?"
"I am."
"Then I'm in."
Nellie blushes then remembers she already has a boyfriend, "Come by the choir room after school. You can audition then."
"Awesome," He smiles again, "I just wanna know; are you single?"
"No," Nellie says, "I have a boyfriend on the football team. His name is Ryder, he's a senior and in Glee club too."
"I was actually thinking og joining the football team this year." Michael says.
"That sounds awesome." Nellie says.
The teacher then walks in and starts the lesson.

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