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"Nell!" Ryder shouts from down the hallway.

"Hey Ryder." Nellie says as her boyfriend catches up to her.

"I got in!" He says.

"Into what?" She asks.

"UCLA." He says.

"You applied?" She asks.

"Yup." He says.

"You didn't tell me?" She's clearly angry.

"Sorry but I thought you'd have the reaction you're having now." He says.

Nellie takes a deep breath, "I'm sorry for being angry. Hopefully our long distance relationship will work out." She kisses his cheek and walks off down the hall.

Ryder sighs. He's blown it. He has freaking blown the best relationship he's ever had. It sucks more that Valentine's Day is in two days.


"So, you two both got into NYU?" Rachel asks Jake and Marley. Rachel, Marley, Jake and Finn are sitting outside at lunch.

"Sure did." Marley says.

"Awesome." Finn says.

"Did you two get into the schools you wanted to get into to?" Marley asks.

"I am a finalist for NYADA." Rachel says.

"You'll nail it, babe." Finn says.

"What about you, Finn?" Jake asks.

"I got into NYU for teaching." Finn says.

"That's awesome." Jake says.

Kurt and Blaine come running over to their table. Kurt's all happy, "Blaine and I are both finalist for NYADA."

Rachel stands up and hugs the two of them, "Good luck cause I am too."

"Hopefully we will all get in." Blaine says.

"Hopefully." Rachel says. She sits back down and so do Kurt and Blaine.

"What about everyone else?" Marley asks.

"I'm pretty sure Santana and Brittany also got into NYU." Kurt says.

"And Mike's going to some dance school in Chicago." Finn says.

"Sam, Mercedes and Ryder are going to UCLA." Jake says.

"Quinn's going to Yale and Puck's going to live with her in New Haven. He'll be going to the community college there." Blaine says.

"Does anyone know where Kitty's going ?" Marley asks.

"She's a junior." Kurt says.

"That's good." Marley says.

"Looks like Wade, Sugar, Joe, Tina, Artie, Nellie and Michael are stuck in Lima for another year." Rachel says.


Michael walks up to Nellie in the hallway.

"I saw you and Ryder fighting earlier today." Michael says.

"We weren't fighting. He just applied and was accepted to a college without telling me." Nellie says.

"Maybe you should dump him? Lying isn't good in a relationship." Michael says.

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