Maybe This Christmas

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I'm sort of accidentally forgotten about doing to letters for colleges so they'll be in this chapter. :) Also, I now know that Jake's mom is called Tanisha so from now on, she'll be called Tanisha Puckerman :) I also know that Marley's mom is called Millie so yeah.
Enjoy though!


Ryder sat in the guidance counselors office. A pen sat between his fingers and a blank piece of paper lay on the desk in front of him. Will and Emma stared at him.
"Do you need help writing your letter to UCLA?" Will asks.
"We know you have dsylexia so we thought you might need help." Emma says.
"I don't need anyone's help!" Ryder snaps at them.
They go silent. All that is heard in the office is breathing, talking from outside the room and the pen in Ryder's hand tapping on the paper.
"Do you want us to get Nellie to help you?" Will asks.
"She doesn't know I'm applying to UCLA." Ryder says.
"Are you going to tell her at all?" Will asks.
"When I hopefully get accepted. It will break her heart to know that I'm going to LA without her but I need to be home in LA." Ryder says.
Emma and Will look at each other then Emma looks at Ryder with a sigh, "Why don't we try writing this letter?" Emma asks, moving her seat to next to Ryder.


"It's time to start sorting out letters to colleges. Where do you want to go?" Jake asks Marley by her open locker.
Marley closes her locker, "I'm thinking NYU. You?"
"UCLA." Jake says.
"I want to be in New York since I know there will be people to help with our baby like Rachel and Kurt." Marley says.
"I was hoping to head to LA to be home with Puck and Ryder." Jake says.
"New York is my hometown." Marley says.
"I don't know who's going to win this arguement so let's take some time to think about this," Jake says, "Any who, what do you want for Christmas?"
"I want this baby out of me." Marley says.
"I still don't think you should be at school. You're a week or two away from having the baby and school is just adding stress which isn't good for you." Jake says.
"I won't come to school tomorrow then." Marley says.
Jake kisses Marley then grabs her hand so they walk to class together.


"Guess what, Finn?" Rachel asks her boyfriend by his open locker.
"What Rach?" Finn asks.
"I've sent my letter to NYADA." Rachel says.
"Well done," Finn says, closing his locker, "Where should I apply to?"
"NYADA?" She asks.
"I'm not into the Broadway related stuff." He says.
"How about NYU?" She asks.
"What for though?" He asks.
"Teaching. You're a really good leader so teaching could be good for you." She says.
"Sounds good. Why don't you come over after school so we can write my letter to NYU?" He asks.
"I'd love to." She says and pecks her boyfriends cheek.
The two walk down the hall to class.


"In the spirit of Christmas, I have a song I'd like to sing." Finn says in Glee club that afternoon.
"The floor is yours, Finn." Will says.
Finn stands and faces everyone, "Well, most of you know that last year I didn't have the best Christmas since I couldn't stand to see the girl I love with the guy I despise. When I was younger, it was just me and my Mom and we didn't have the best of Christmas's most of the time. So this year, I hope to have a great Christmas and this song is for this Christmas." Finn says.
The band starts to play.

It's Christmas time and Santa's here,
Making the children smile
But he's just a pedophile
So you better watch your child.
Christmas trees in every house
Covered in shiny lights
But they just turn brown and die,
Or set your whole house on fire

These are the reasons I hate the seasons, but imma give it a try.

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