Love, Football and Fights

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Marley stays silent and keeps walking to her locker.


Marley's still silent.


"What?" Marley asks, turning to see her boyfriend.

"I asked you two days ago if you will marry me and I've got no answer since." Jake says.

"I don't know what to say." Marley says. She opens her locker.

"I want you to say yes," Jake grabs her hands and looks into her eyes, "I love you and don't want you to leave me."

"Are you just marrying me because you want the baby to have parents who are married?" Marley asks.


"Then what's the real reason?"

"I want the world to know that you are mine and I love you with all my heart."

Marley closes her locker after getting her books out for her first class, "I'll think about it."

Jake sighs and walks to his locker to get his books.


"I wanna try out for football." Michael says to Coach Beiste before the football training that afternoon.

"Then you can go up against some of best; Lynn! Hudson! Puckerman! Karofsky! You four will be helping this young man try out for the football team." Beiste shouts out across the football field.

"You're a little small to be trying out for a football team." Karofsky says.

"I'll help. I'm in." Ryder says.

"Same. He's in Glee club and we glee clubbers are a family." Finn says.

"Glee's just gay so I ain't helping." Karofsky says and joins the rest of the team to practice.

"I'm in too I guess." Puck says.

The three train Michael and realise he's pretty good. Beiste tests him out and says he can play Friday's game on the bench. Friday was not tomorrow but the next day. He had to train pretty hard if he wants to prove to Nellie he's better than Ryder.


Finn sat in the library, looking at the computer screen infront of him the next day. The guys had been telling to him he had to future for his life so Finn took it upon himself that he needed to find something he can do to make Rachel proud of her boyfriend.

He looked at universities and colleges in New York that could support football. Most wanted people who get good grades and that's where Finn slipped away. He looked at ones that would help him with singing; there were a lot but he knew this isn't what he wanted to do.

Rachel entered and sat next to him, "What are you doing?"

"Looking at universities and colleges." Finn answers, still staring at the screen.

"What kind of universites?" Rachel asks.

"First where ones for football. Then singing. Now I'm looking at ones so I can help people. Maybe social services or teaching."

"That sounds good."

"Have you got your apply for NYADA sorted yet?"

"Not yet. Just a couple of things that need finalising."

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