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Chapter 18

Seven Years Before

That night on the roof, Daniel had realized something. He had seen something that he never saw before, even though it was so obvious. Daniel knew that Amelia missed her parents and hated her aunt and that she got bullied. But he never realized till now just how sad she was. Amelia had always helped Daniel when he needed it. And now Daniel saw that every reassuring smile he was given took everything Amelia had. She worked so hard to pretend she was ok, for Daniel, when she wasn't. And that night, she had let down all barriers. Daniel knew the truth. And the truth was; Amelia was sad. An encompassing sadness that takes over everything you know until you have no idea which way is up or down and what is right and wrong.

And Daniel decided that if it was the last thing he did; he would make it better. Or at least try. He wanted Amelia to be happy again.

That's what Daniel was thinking about as he sat at the lunch table with Amelia. It was mid-February, meaning that Amelia's birthday was coming up in a few days. And Daniel was going to try his hardest to make this one of the best birthdays she ever had, because she deserved that much.

"So," he started, trying to sound inconspicuous, "What are your birthday plans?" She looked up from her lunch with a confused look. Amelia wasn't the type to celebrate her birthday. To her, it was just another day. Nothing special.

"I thought I made it clear that I don't celebrate my birthday," she said.

"Yeah, I know. But I was thinking that we could do something this year. It doesn't have to be a big party or anything, just something to..." He was going to say 'make you happy' but thought better of it. "Something fun."

"I don't know, Danny. My aunt is having some friends over that weekend. It probably would be best if I just play it casual, like I usually do."

"Then come over to my house," Daniel offered. "My parents won't mind at all."

"Danny..." she trailed off.

"I just want you to have a nice birthday this year, that's all."

"Okay," she said. "But you better not buy me a present."


Daniel bought her a present.

Of course he did. It was her birthday, after all. But he a feeling that, even though he went against her words, she would like this present.

Amelia was coming over to Daniel's house around noon, so he decided to get her present ready. It didn't take long due to the fact that it was just a piece of paper. He wrote a message on the birthday card, slipped the piece of paper into it, and put the card in an envelope. As he placed the card on his desk, Daniel heard the murmur of voices downstairs.

He rushed down to see if Amelia was there. And sure enough, as he entered the kitchen, Daniel saw a head full of black curls. She turned around when he entered and he saw her piercing blue eyes looking into his.

"Happy birthday, Amelia," he said.

"Thanks," she replied. "So, what are the plans for today?"

"Whatever you want to do," he said. "Anything for the birthday girl." Daniel gave a smile and she reciprocated. But it was almost a sad smile.


They spent the day walking around the neighborhood, talking, and they retreated back to the house later to read for a while. Daniel was forty pages deep when he realized he forgot to give Amelia her present. He got up to fetch it and Amelia's curious gaze followed him.

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