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Chapter 7

Nine Years Before

In Grey Pond Elementary School, there wasn't a very good art program. Due to budget cuts and other financial problems, the arts were pushed farther and farther down on the list of things that needed improvement. Because of this, there was only an art class for every other grade. In this school, you had art classes in kindergarten, second grade, and fourth grade.

So, Daniel was not looking forward to being a fourth grader. Not only did he have no artistic ability what so ever, he also hadn't had an art class in two years. But it was a requirement, so Daniel had no choice.

That morning, after their English and Mathematics lessons, all the students lined up for their first art class. Daniel was expecting a room with pale, tan walls and dull, grey tables like the rest of the school, but when he entered, he discovered it was quite the opposite. The walls were covered in posters of famous art pieces. Daniel recognized the painting "Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh and the "Mona Lisa" painting by Leonardo da Vinci. Of course they weren't the real paintings, they were just posters of them. There were many other pieces of art on the walls that Daniel didn't recognize, it made the room look colorful. The art teacher got up from her desk and greeted the students. "Well, hello. Good morning, everyone," she said in a cheery voice. "My name is Miss Noble." She told them they could sit where ever they like, as long as they pay attention when she was talking. So Amelia and Daniel sat at two stools near a table in the back. They weren't used to having so much freedom. Usually, someone told them what to do, when to do it, and where they should be. They soon learned that Miss Noble was very different.

"Today is your first day of art in fourth grade. Instead of reviewing rules and expectations in the classroom, we will be having Freestyle Friday. This is the one day every week where you can show your artistic talent in any way you would like. I have supplies on the table and if you need anything, just raise your hand." She looked at them like they were supposed to do something.

The kids sat there for a while before someone finally made the first move. A kid near the front got up and went to the art supply table. Soon, everyone was up and moving. Some people were drawing pictures, some were painting, and some were just gluing random things to a sheet of paper. Miss Noble walked around the room and looked at everyone's artwork, giving them advice and answering their questions. Amelia was very artistic, she got right to work drawing a picture of a butterfly in great detail. The teacher came to their table. "That looks very lovely," she told Amelia. Then she looked at Daniel who was just sitting there. "What are you going to do for your artwork, Daniel?"

"I don't know," he said truthfully. "I don't have much talent when it comes to art."

"Everyone is artistic in their own way," she told him. "Here, come with me." Daniel followed her to the table where she picked up a container of colorful clay and handed it to him. "I think you'll like sculpting."

So Daniel took the clay back to his seat. He pulled off a big glob of blue clay, and then started to mold it. He was trying to make a dolphin, but it ended up looking like a bird.

"What's that?" Amelia asked.

"A bird," he replied. Then he started to make another, but with red clay this time.

Maybe Daniel had some artistic ability after all.


Daniel was in shock. That's what the doctor said. He continued to stare into empty space as his parents broke down in front of him and the doctor shined a bright light in his eyes. Daniel looked at his name tag. Dr. Richter, it said.

 Amelia had blamed the accident on herself... and she had tried to commit suicide. How could Daniel ever forgive himself? If she had succeeded in her attempts to end her life, Daniel wouldn't be able to live it. He might even have tried to join her. But she was alive. She wasn't talking, but alive all the same.

 "Don't cry, honey. It's not your fault" his mother told him. She wasn't telling him she was pleading with him. She didn't like it when her son cried. He didn't even realize he was crying. That's the worst kind of crying; when there's no sound. The tears just run down your face silently, sometimes you don't even know it.

Daniel let his imagination take over and his head was soon filled with sad thoughts of Amelia being locked up somewhere. A place where she wouldn't be able to hurt herself. A place where she refused to speak. And even if she did speak she wouldn't even be heard. No one would think to listen to the poor little girl who tried to take her own life. 

"Can I go see her?" he said, his voice coming out something like a croak. Daniel couldn't stand the thoughts of her being alone, unheard. Daniel was sure she wasn't talking because she didn't have any friends where she was. Daniel would go there and then it would all work out fine. He just needed to get there.

"Of course, honey. But we should take you home first."

The doctor asks him some questions, and then his parents fill out some paperwork. In the car, he doesn't talk, he feel guilty. Guilty that he put his parents through this, guilty that Amelia tried to kill herself, guilty that now she refuses to speak, guilty that she was put in a mental hospital.

When the car pulls up to his house he slings his backpack onto his back and runs toward the house. When he unlocks the gate Jelly looks at him for a moment before he runs and jumps into Daniel's arms.

"I missed you too, Jelly."

A/N: awwww a little Daniel/Jelly reunion at the end there. if you enjoyed the chapter, would you mind clicking the star icon to register a vote? it would mean a lot :) also, feel free to leave a comment to tell me your thoughts on this chapter and/or book

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