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Chapter 10

Eight Years Before

Daniel and Amelia walked to Daniel's house after school to work on their letters. Daniel's mom thought the school had a wonderful idea by making them do these pen pal letters. Daniel thought otherwise. Why force people into a relationship with a person who is just going to make middle school sound ever more frightening than they thought at first? But it was a requirement, so they sat down and got to work.

Amelia got started right away. Daniel listened to the scratch of her pencil on the paper as he stared at his own. "What do I even say?" he asked.

"Whatever you want to," she said simply. So Daniel started writing without a plan.

Dear Austin,

My name is Daniel, and I guess I'm your new pen pal. I don't know why they are making me write this, but I'm just going to do it because I have to.

I don't really know you that well. My friend Amelia does though. She lives on your street. Anyway, Amelia told me that you play soccer. I play soccer too. Well, not on a fancy field with uniforms and stuff, or anything like that. I just play in my yard. Do you play on a team? Or do you play in a yard like me? I guess it doesn't really matter. Soccer is soccer no matter where you play it. Am I rambling? I think I am. I do that a lot.

Well, the purpose of these letters is to find out what middle school is like so, yeah, I guess I ask questions now. I'd like to know what it's like to change classes every period. I'm used to having the same teacher for every subject. Is it hard? Do you have to carry a lot of things? Also, are the teachers nice? I've had a few nice teachers and a few mean teachers so I was just wondering.

I guess this is it. I'm sorry if I was rambling.



When they finished writing, Daniel and Amelia exchanged papers and read each other's work. Amelia's was perfectly worded and sounded very kindly. Why do I have to be so awkward? Daniel thought. But Amelia told him his letter was very natural sounding so, that made him sound more approachable. When they finished giving advice, the two of them put their letters away and went to the kitchen to get a snack. Daniel's mother was cooking dinner. "Have you two finished your letters?" she asked.

"Yes," Daniel said. "We were coming to get a snack."

"Oh, I'm almost finished cooking. Why don't you stay over for dinner Amelia?"

"Sure," Amelia said.

"Great! You can call your aunt to tell her you'll be home later than usual," his mom said.

"She really won't mind," Amelia replied.

"Just give her a call to make sure, sweetie."

Amelia walked over to the house phone that was sitting on the table, looking nervous. She picked it up and dialed a number. "Hello?" she asks, sheepishly.

Even from the other side of the kitchen, Daniel could hear the sound of yelling through the phone. His mom seemed to not notice.

"I'll be home late," she added. When the yelling stopped, Daniel knew her aunt had hung up the phone. But Amelia kept talking so that Daniel's mother would be satisfied.

"I'm eating dinner at Daniel's house," she said to the phone that had no one on the other end. "Bye." She put the phone back and Daniel quickly asked Amelia to help him set the table.

Once they were out of the kitchen, Daniel asked, "Why was she yelling at you?"

Amelia blushed. "I woke her up from her nap."

"Oh," he said. "Why did you keep talking when she hung up?"

"So that your mom wouldn't worry about me."

As they set the table, it was silent. Daniel thought about the photo album Amelia had shown him. He wondered why Amelia didn't just go to the family in the pictures instead of staying here with her aunt. Did she really think that her parents were alive and would come back for her? After all these years?


She spoke Daniel's name softly, almost unheard. Daniel didn't know what to do. The receptionist was ecstatic. "You got her to talk. No one can do that. No one."

"Can I go in?" he said in a more demanding then questioning way. He was still standing in the doorway and the receptionist was blocking his way from entering.

"Yes, I believe you are the key to Miss Amelia's recovery." She swiped a card and a green light flashed above the door. "Go ahead," she said as she stepped away from the door and out of Daniel's way. Daniel opened the door the rest of the way and walked in. Amelia continued to stare at him, and then she stood up, never losing eye contact while doing so. She quickly crossed the distance between them and hugged Daniel fiercely.

"My Danny," she whispered in his ear. "I'm so sorry Danny." Her voice was starting to show the inevitable hoarseness of underuse as her words stumbled from her throat. And worst of all, Daniel could hear in her voice that she was about to cry. And he wasn't sure he could handle that.

"No. It was my entire fault, never yours." He meant it too; he meant every word of it. He shouldn't have done a lot of things that day; it would have saved them both from the mounds of misery.

"Danny, take me away. I'm sorry, Danny." Despite the frustration Daniel got from her still being sorry, he understood one thing; Amelia wanted to leave this place. And Daniel would do that for her; she deserved at least that much from him.

"I will, I promise. I'll call my mom, and she'll help you get out." And he did exactly that. He pulled his phone out and texted his mom.

Can you come? Amelia is better, but she wants to leave. He waited only a few seconds before there was a response; his mom must have had her phone right next to her thinking that Daniel would need help.


It's complicated. Just come, please?

I'm on my way.

Thanks, Mom.

"Amelia, my mom is coming. She'll fix this," he tells her; hoping that it's true. He hopes that his mom will come quickly. He hopes that she'll work things out. He hopes that everything will be okay.

Amelia nodded and then hugged Daniel again.

A/N: hello, readers. if you enjoyed this chapter, would you mind clicking the star icon to register a vote for it? it would mean a lot :) also, feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you guys are thinking

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