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Chapter 12

Eight Years Before

In a few weeks, Daniel got to know more and more about Austin. In class, in the cafeteria, anywhere; everyone would brag about their pen pal.

"Sabrina told me that she got an award for getting good grades. I'm going to do the same thing next year," one girl said.

"Well, Alex told me he got a trophy for being on the football team," another student said. Everyone was sharing stories and bragging about their friends. At one point, someone turned to Daniel and asked, "What about you?"

They all looked at him. "Uh, I'm not sure. He plays soccer..." The kid who asked him nodded awkwardly and then turned back to the discussion. Daniel started to wonder if Austin was different from his peers. But if he was, Daniel didn't care. At least he was a fun guy to talk to.

There was only one week left of sending letters. Daniel was kind of sad for it to be over, but at the same time he was anticipating the end. He still got nervous every time he saw that stack of envelopes on Mrs. Grace's desk. The anxiety was going to kill him if this went on any longer. And the distraction sure wasn't helping his grades.

The teachers seemed to notice this, so they ended up giving the students more time to write letters so that they could make sure their homework got done too.

Daniel was grateful for this. Fewer letters; less anxiety.


The next week, Daniel got his last letter from Austin. Just like before, he was nervous all day. When the bell finally rung, Daniel and Amelia got their letters and sat at their usual spot on the bench to open them.

Dear Daniel,

This is my last letter to you, so I'd just like to thank you. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not the smartest one in my grade. People usually make fun of me and call me dumb, but you've just been my friend.

The only thing I really enjoy and am good at is soccer. I wish I was smart like the others, but I'm not. Anyway, thanks again. I guess I'll see you around next year.

-Austin :)

Daniel felt a mixture of emotions when he finished reading the letter. First, he was happy that he was helping Austin. Second, he felt guilty for looking forward to the end of the pen pal program. Austin just wanted a friend and Daniel was worrying about anxiety. But there was nothing he could do about it, it was over. The school year was almost over, and then Daniel would have something bigger to worry about.

Middle school.


Daniel woke up to the sun shining into the room through the window. For some reason, whenever the sun was shining through the window Daniel was awake. Even when he was so tired that he could barely keep his eyes open he was still awake, like it or not, if the sun was. Daniel attempted to pull the blanket over his head to block out the sun, but the mere fact of knowing that the sun was rising kept him from drifting back to sleep. So, grudgingly, Daniel forced himself up and out of bed.

Daniel climbed down the stairs and went into the kitchen. He made a cup of coffee and went into the living room. Daniel had a feeling it was going to take him a long time to catch up on Doctor Who. He watched two episodes before he heard people moving around upstairs, Daniel paused the show and went back into the kitchen where he found his parents, reading the newspaper and drinking coffee.

"Good morning, Daniel," his dad said cheerily, "Oh, and we need to ask you something."

"Shoot," Daniel says in reply.

"Daniel, your father and I have been thinking and... maybe you need to move on with your life. Move out. Get a job. Maybe a girlfriend..." his mom says, surprising Daniel. They were kicking him out all ready? Sensing Daniel's shock his mom continued, "I mean, of course, we aren't kicking you out. We're just worried about you. You can't live here forever, you know. Eventually you're going to have to figure out what you want to do next."

She was right, of course. Daniel had been living at his parent's house for a little over a week and he was already getting anxious. He had started thinking about his future, and he didn't exactly love what was to come. He would have to take some online classes so that he could finish his high school education. But what about college? Was Daniel even going to go? He had always wanted to, but things had changed and so were Daniel's priorities. Daniel only had one thing on his agenda at the moment, and that was to help Amelia get her life back on track. He hadn't even been thinking about his own future till recently.

"Mom, what about Amelia? She doesn't even talk to you guys. I can't leave her," Daniel says; meaning every word of it. He couldn't leave Amelia here while he was off building a future. He wouldn't.

"I suppose that's true... how about this, you get a job and you can live here. It's a baby step but it'll steer you in the right direction. You're no longer a child and you need to learn some responsibility. " She was right; it was only fair that he get a job while he lived here. It was the least he could do. "And don't worry sweetie, we'll take care of Amelia. She'll warm up to us, I'm sure of it.

"Alright, fair enough," he gave in, "I'll go out tomorrow."

"Thank you sweetie. You won't regret it later," she says as she comes to hug Daniel.

He walked back into the living room once he had gotten his fair share of hugs. Then he prompted to watch TV for the rest of the day. He would spend the rest of the day as a lazy couch potato because he knew it would be his last. Tomorrow he would go job hunting to appease his parents, but he knew it wouldn't stop there. They wanted him to start living an independent life, and they were right. But that day Daniel would dedicate to the couch and TV.

My last day of freedom, he thought.


Daniel's alarm clock woke him up at six o'clock the next morning. What? Since when do I use an alarm clock? Oh yeah, since I promised my mom I'd go job hunting.

He got up and put a notebook and a pencil in his bag. Daniel had only ever worked at the local McDonald's so he had no idea what he would need. Then he went down to the kitchen and added some snacks and a bottle of water.

Daniel then sat at the counter and had a breakfast of cereal and two cups of coffee. If I'm waking up this early, I'm going to need the caffeine. Then, Amelia came down the stairs just as Daniel was rinsing his bowl and getting ready to leave.

"Danny, before you leave, can I show you something I've been working on? If your about to leave you don't have to but-"

"Amelia, I'm coming," he said cutting her sentence short. Daniel was tired of Amelia second guessing herself. If she wanted something she just needed to ask for it. He followed her up the stairs to the guest room. When she opened the door, Daniel gasped at the laid out before him.


A/N: hello, readers. if you enjoyed this chapter, would you mind clicking the star icon to register a vote for it? it would mean a lot :) also, feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you guys are thinking

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