Girls Talk

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It's been forever since I have had lunch with Sarah, Alice and Jenna and I can't wait to finally get to talk to them! I think Sarah just wanted to get together her bridemaides, and knowing them,they will freak out! Once I was ready, I waite for Sarah to pick me up from my house and off we went. When we arrived and met up at the low key restaraunt, we sat at the table and placed our orders and got straight to buisness.

-"I still can't believe you're engaged!" Alice said, gawking at Sarah's ring. "I know! It's so weird, I don't even consider myself old enough to be engaged!"
-"Girl, you're turning 22 in March, relax," "Yeah but still." "She's definitely the farthest one that I ever saw from being wifey material out of us four," Jenna laughed, while we all chuckled and agreed. "Hell, even I knew that!" she laughed, taking a sip of her cosmopolitan. "I always thought it would be Kim first," Alice said. "Yeah, so did I," Sarah said nodding her head. "Speaking of which," Jenna asked slyly, "Any boys?"
-"No, not at the moment." I blushed, clearly embarassed that I don't have someone on the go.
- "We understood thay you have somethin' with the best man"
-"What ? No,girl ,no I can't handle this guy . He's such a jerk. I definitely don't have nothin' with him."
-"Well how's seeing Jamie all the time? I know it's not easy on you and things must be awkward," Alice said concerned.
-"It is so extremely difficult you have no idea." I said taking a sip of my Margarita.
-"Are you two civil with each other or is it awkward or do you get along?" Jenna asked.
-"They get along!? HA! You are far from that my dear," Sarah said, letting it be known how bad it was just by the tone in her voice.
-"Oh, so you guys really don't get along then," Jenna said.
- "We haven't gotten along since from the beginning,it is impossible to get along with that man, well, child."
-"What's he like towards you?"
- "He's just an ignorant asshole, far from who he was when we first met at the airport, I can't deal with him. He treats me like I don't even exist.We arguing about every little thing because he has to cause a fight with some smart ass remark and all that other shit he tries to pull with me." -"They literally have to be pryed off of each other, it's so bad," Sarah added. "I noticed the way he treated you at the engagement party, he was not into you what so ever. I even saw him flirting with other girls," Alice said. "Oh, you shoulda seen the treats he brought to help him move in!"
-"YOU HELPED HIM MOVE IN!?" the two girls asked in shock.
-"Oh, let me tell you that story," I smirked.

After I explained what had happened there, Sarah kept looking at her phone, when we asked what was wrong she flinched and said, "looks like Jamie is moving in our house. " WHAT?!?!?


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