Back to Chicago

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Waking up the next morning my head was pounding and I felt sick to my stomach. I reached over to my nighstand to check my phone when I realized I was naked. Then it hit me, and no, not the hangover. "Holy shit" I mummbled under my breath, coming to realization that I had sex with Jamie last night. It wasn't even just sex, it was mind blowing amazing sex. Never have I ever had it that good and I wouldn't mind having it again. Wait WHAT ? No this is not gonna happen never ever never ! I blame the Alcohol! I checked my messages and heard that everyone was up making breakfast.

I threw on some yoga shorts and a Pink hoodie and walked downstairs waiting for breakfast to be served. Jenna and Mack were staying the night with their men and were busy in the kitchen.
-"Good morning chickie," Nat smiled.
-"Morning," I groaned.
- "How was your night?" And you ask...
-"It was good, how'd you all enjoy it?"
-"It was great!" Nat said making some french toast.
-"Yeah same! You and Jamie left awful early last night." Mack winked. -"Yeah, I was exhausted from planning and he wasn't feeling too good. " I lied.
-"Oh that's too bad, you missed one hell of a party."
-"Wait, did you two sleep together last night?" Nat winked. Crap, they were onto me. I'm busted! I'm so busted,they know,they know ! What the fuck I was thinking to sleep with an arrogant asshole like him ? Me ?!? Why I'm so stupid ?

-"No." I said simply making my cup of coffee.
- "You sure about that? Because Browns saw Jamie's dress shirt when I walked in." WELL SHIT!
- "Oh, I don't know why that was there." Oh really you don't know Kim ? Think one more time,i said it to myself.
-"You know, tends to strip in the middle of no where and leaves his stuff. He usually does it in the hall upstairs. You know it's a boy thing."
-"Brandon does the same thing! It's drives me crazy." Mack said grabbing her plate. Sarah blessed us with her beautiful precense with her hair in a tangled mess and her pj's on.
- "What does Brandon do?"
-"Strip in the middle of nowhere in the house and leave his clothes."
-"Oh, Jamie is the worst for that. Matt only does it in the bed room."
-"Or wherever you two have sex." I winked.
-"Fuck you Kim, at least I get some, and got it really good last night!" she squealed. I did too I thought.

Thankfully the boys came rolling in shortly after that from bed and we made them their plates. It was awkward seeing Jamie the next morning. He looked at me and smirked slightly, it was so cute. His cheeks were so flushed it was adorable. No no no it was not adorable ! I'm not gonna to fall in the trap No! I'm a strong independent woman ho needs no man...but him,my other voice said it.He took the only seat available next to me and began to eat. Everyone was telling stories about the party last night and we just silently listened since we missed it all. Quite frankly I think we are both glad we missed that part. We kept stealing glances at each other all morning and it was so awkard. I have never felt this awkward in my life. I wanted to go up to him and kiss him or touch his arm or anything I could do to feel that physical contact again. I hadn't had it in so long and I loved every minute of it last night.

While everyone was taking their showers and getting ready to leave and get ready for our flight home tonight, I stopped Jamie outside of his bedroom.
-"Jamie wait."
-"The girls think we slept together last night and were razzing me about it all morning before you guys woke up." He let out a small chuckle.
-"Were they actually?"
-"Yes, oh my God it was so awkward. I was just sitting there like, uhhhh no we didn't."
-"I'm glad you told me, it was great to know."
-"Jamie your showers ready!" Matt yelled out from Jamie's shower.
- "I'll talk to you later, go shower, you stink." I teased, sticking out my tongue and walking out to my bedroom to take a shower myself.

For the rest of the day we all just relaxed and had a good time catching up on life. While we were getting ready to head to the airport to catch our flight back to Chicago,back to my home, I couldn't help but reflect on my time here in London. I was on an emotional roller coaster all because of Jamie and now that I am going to visit my old friends after sleeping with him, I don't know what to do. Should I bring it up to him again? Should I leave it alone? I hate making these decisions. Part of me feels like as though I will mistakingly bring it up to either him or Sarah and I fear their reactions, especially Jamie's.

I stood up fixing my shirt and stacked my carry on on my suitcase, pulling it out of my room. I sat back down on the floor just to write up a thank you note for Sarah and Matt, cuz that's always what we do, even though we yell at each other afterwards. Sarah came running into my room and tackled me, laying on me yelling.
-"Don't go! I'm gonna miss you way too much!"
-"You know I will too, I'm gonna miss you so much!"
-"This isn't fair!" she hugged me. Matt was walking by and peeked in, seeing our awkward position on the ground.
-"Oh nice! Hey boys, Jamie and Kylie are making out!"
- "Yeah buddy!" Jenna's boyfriend yelled walking over with all of the boys. - "My future wife has lesbian tendencies! WOO!" Matt threw his hands up, high giving a five high all of the boys.

-"You two are losers." Sarah said throwing a shoe at the door, trying to hit one of them.
-"We just love each other so much," I said hugging her tightly.
-"And I love her too."
- "I know you do, but you don't need to cheat on Matt." Jamie teased.
-"Shut the fuck up Jamie,you make me sick." I said getting up. Once Jamie stood up, we arranged rides and I was going with Jamie. This should be a fun car ride.

He brought my bags down to his car and threw them in. After saying goodbye to Matt and Sarah, since I won't see them when they drop me off, and we got teary eyed. I always hate leaving my brother and best friend and it's an adjustment that my best friend isn't always with me. -"Call me when you get home?" Matt said.
-"Obviously!" "Thank you so much for everything you've done, I really appreciate it!"
- "Anytime! We will make more plans on when we will make more plans for the wedding, just let me know when and I will come down."
-"So next week?" Sarah joked, throwing her arms around me.
-"Sounds good."
-"Have a safe flight!"
- "Thanks girl, be careful."
-"I'll try."

I hopped into the passenger seat of Jamie's car, I felt so small in the massive seats. I love feeling small. He pulled out of their massive driveway and we were off for a 20 minute car ride to the airport. It was so awkward in the car ride and I didn't know how to break it. We were listening to the Sade, one of his favorites singers. At one point he turned to me and said.
- "I really did have a fun time with you last night."
-"I did too. Do you feel awkward?"
-"Not at all, do you?"
-"I know, it'll be fine when you come back though."
-"I know, I'm just afraid someone will find out."
- "They won't, I promise. I actually won't tell anyone,specially your brother about this hookup."
-"You normally do?"
- "Oh fuck yeah, I'm still single, I flaunt it in his face." He teased.
-"That's very true."

The whole car ride we were making small talk and getting along again. It was weird but I loved it. When we pulled up to the drop off centre,we just pulled up at the first free spot we saw.
-"Thank you so much for dropping me off, I appreciate it." I said getting my seat belt off. I looked up and Jamie crashed his lips onto mind, cupping my face with his hand. It was a ver heated and passionate kiss. When we pulled apart he said.
-"I'm gonna miss you." in his sensitive voice.
-"I'm gonna miss you too." He kissed me again, this time a quick peck. We got out and got my suitcase out of the trunk. He embraced me in a huge bear hug and wished me a safe flight.
-"Thank you," I smiled into his chest. He gave me another passionate kiss and a quick peck and then I was forced to part ways with him. I looked back, lugging my massive suitcase, seeing him wave throught the window of his car. Now I have to suffer through this flight with all of my thoughts. Great


A/N: Hey guys ! Whatcha doin' ? Thank you all for your voting ! Remember that you can feel free to write a comment or message me !
Thank you all !
Love ya :*

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