Mr.Not So Arrogant

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A/N Wow this can't be real ! I updated two times this day ! :D
Enjoy your reading,I hope that you will like it :)


After I walked out of Jamie's room, I had to calm myself back down. I was so nervous for this alone time. I walked down into the kitchen and sat at the island, knowing there wasn't much to eat. He came down in his black hoodie and grey shorts. His hair was messy and brushed to the side. He looked so hot and scruffy. He hadn't shaved since three days, I could tell. And I loved it. He opened up the fridge to see if there was any food already in there. After finding nothing, he turned to me, who was on the other side of the island and asked "What are you in the mood for?"
- "I don't really have a preference. You?"
-"Do you mind making spaghetti with sauce?" he blushed slightly with a little bit of a smile. Well this is something new.
-"No, not at all. What do you want with it?"
- "Uhm, garlic bread?"
-"Sure, anything else?"
-"Salad?" he asked.
-"Okay,no problem,we'll make it." I laughed. My recipe for homemade spaghetti sauce was my brother's favourite, he would ask me to make it at least two times a week when we were at school and our parents were at work.
We took to our stations beside each other. I was busy, making the sauce over the stove and Mr.Not So Arrogant was next to me working on the homemade garlic bread and salad. While he was breaking apart lettuce, he broke the awkward silence by saying.
-"You know what I hate?"
- "What?" I asked, slightly confused.
-"I hate that in the states none of the restaurants offer ceasar dressing! The closest thing you can get is ranch, which isn't bad but it's just not the same." Is he serious right now? Must be, he was even laughing at himself for being silly.
-"That's actually so true!"
-"I mean, everyone says the two countries are so different but in reality we kind of aren't.
-"I wouldn't know," I laughed, flinching slightly, knowing that I was going to get an ear full from Jamie. He stopped what he was doing and shot me a serious look.
-"You have never had mac in the states?"
- "Nope, never."
- "Well I guess I know what we are having tomorrow night." He smirked and his eyes have not left the counter top and focused on mixing the salad. See ! That's what I'm talking about ! A conversation! We have a real conversation and it's going pretty good! See Jamie it's not so bad . So it seems that Mr.Asshole actually can be really nice and funny! I could see him trying not to smile and crack. I stood there with my hand on the counter and the other on my hip, just staring at him. After a couple of minutes of quick chit chat the buzzer went off. I was busy trying to control the burner to turn it off for the sauce that was exploding and splashing everywhere, stirring it with my other hand, and Jamie rushed to tend to the pasta that was done. It is a tight squeeze from the island and the counter top, and I could barely fit in between it myself with my big butt. Mr. sexy beard had to brush his whole body up behind mine. I felt a jolt go through my body when I felt his crotch brush over my butt while we squeezed closely together to get to finish the meal. And I'm not gonna lie! And the worst part was,that I wanted more, but I knew I couldn't get it,so fucked up,right ?
Once we served ourselves, I went upstairs to change quickly while His majesty sex on legs set up a movie in the TV room. The theatre wasn't ready yet and there was only one couch in the TV room, so Jamie and I had to squeeze together on it, so we both could fit comfortably. While I was in my room changing, I couldn't help but blush slightly over the last half an hour with him. We were talking, actually talking and being nice to each other. We were laughing, and working as a team, something I never thought I would do. I never thought that I could have that with him ever ! Like I said, we have a real conversation! I like this side of Jamie, not that rude and ignorant douchebag and controlling freak. When I walked downstairs we settled on this random movie on Bbc. The first one was boring and by the time we both finished, we agreed to stop watching it and change movies. He chose some horror movie, and I was petrified. It was so cold in Matt and Sarah's house, the AC was blaring and we didn't know how to turn it off. That's the problem with state of the art technology these days. Jamie tossed me a blanket when he saw that I was curled in a ball shivering. When he tossed me the blanket, I saw that he was frozen too.
-"Do you wanna share?" I asked quietly. He nodded, placing his arm up on the back of the couch. I gladly accepted and scooched my way over. I placed my head on his shoulder while we spread out the fairly large blanket over the two of us. At first I could hear his heart beat going rapidly fast, I think it was from the move he had just pulled with me, that's why mine was beating just as fast anyway. After a couple of minutes it calmed down to a regular pace and we were both relaxed. I could smell him so well where I was sitting. God I love his scent.
I was scared shitless of this movie and during all the scary parts I would hide my face into the crook of his neck or into his arm. He knew I hated them so much and was petrified by them easily, so he would move his arm down and wrap it around my shoulder and rubbed my arm soothingly.I had to focus on the movie because I don't want to melt in his arms and do something I shouldn't. After a while, we both nodded off. I woke up a couple of hours later and we were still cuddling. I just laid back down and fell back asleep. I wonder what tomorrow would be like...


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