You Again Part 1

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-"So, what do you say Kim? "asked my brother .
-"Hm? What?" I said snapping out of my thoughts of the handsome man who I met in the airport .
-"There's a basketball match tonight, Belfast vs London . I already bought the tickets!" Matt was smiling from ear to ear. He was a huge basketball fan.
-"I don't know I'm litlle bit tired .
"-Oh, come on Kim ! It's really fun ." Sarah said wiggling hers eyebrows.
-"Okay guys,who said I was going to refuse?" Sarah and Matt gave me a high-five ."Where are the seats?" I asked .
-"Front row!" Matt answered and like a little child he started to make strange moves in the kitchen .
-" And you are going to marry for him "? I asked Sarah .
-"Yeah I think I am .'
- Girl you don't know with what you are messing! "I think you have to run till isn't late "! And then we both watched him and starting to laughing.
-"Matt ? Honey ?
-"Yes my dear".
-"You dont really think to dance like that in our wedding right ?
-"What is it in my moves? I got that moves like Jagger! Then my big little baby brother spinned around and he hits his leg in the chair .It was so funny I and Sarah cannot stop to laughing .
- " Dude , you look dicilious ! Did you know that "?
-"You're just jealous because you can't dance like me"!
-"Oh yeah for sure" ! And then we starting to laughing again.

** 2 Hours later **

-"What's taking you so long? Come on girls we're going to be late!" Matt yelled from downstairs while I and Sarah fixing our hairs.
-"We're coming, We're coming."
-" Yeah you said that before 20 minutes !" Taking one last look at our outlook .We darted towards the stairs .
-"Ready! Let's go." Matt smirked with satisfaction and slung his arm around Sarah's shoulders as we made our way towards the car. The Stadium wasn't that far as we reached it. I remember when I was a child dad used to bring us to matches here along with my brother. Matt was so interesting in sports especially in ski and basketball. He was talented youth ski racer, but he had to decide between skiing and basketball and he decided to be a basketball player. He is really talent I'm so proud of him.
-"This is your ticket Kim."Matt said to me and pull my ticket into my hand. Great .My sit number is 29 and like I see I have to go trough all these fuckin people . Just great. Now everybody gonna hate me because I'll ruin their view of the match. I made my way inside and the cheers of fans got louder as I sat down.I looked ahead and both teams had made their way on the pitch.The view was great and I could see perfectly even if someone stood in front of me .I studied the players faces and recognized a few from what Matt and Sarah told me before .I wasn't that interested in watching the game and turned my attention to my annoying brother and Sarah but I couldn't see them. I sighed and looked back at the pitch and saw how number "6" scored.The crowd stood and cheered loudly.The one wearing the number "6" jersey came over to our side getting the crowd to cheer again as he threw his arms up in victory.I immediately recognized him to be Devon Oostrum.He was an old Matt's friend .When we were kids he always tried to kiss me. How could I forgotten that he is a basketball player and played for Belfast? For a brief moment,I could have sworn that our eyes met and a smile tugged on the side of his lips.
-"Excuse me, miss... that's my seat." No. No it couldn't be I thought ...
I opened my eyes to find HIM in front of me . "Seriously?"
-"Pardon me? I'm sorr- Oh. It's you. Jesus. It's like the heavens are against me." He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed loudly. "You're in my seat."
-"Are you sure?" I asked.
-"Definitely sure."
When The guy from the airport,no wait Mr. Asshole sat down beside me ,I keep watching his every movement. From the corner of my eyes I noticed he was removing his jacket. He wear a tight black T-shirt and,and oh God,look at his arms,he's so strong,I wonder how good is he in sex...oh no no no stop it,stop it! What's wrong with you Kim? Don't you remember that you are a independent strong woman who needs no man! I told to myself and I noticed that he was smirking at me.
-"What?" I asked hotly.Lord take me before it's too late.
-"Like what you see?" Well,excuse me ? Who he thinks he is ? And then before I say something,he continued."I'm glad that we met again .I think the view is perfekt we can see every movement " he said smugly.Then he look at me from head to toe. Mmmhm giiirl this is not good.I narrowed my eyes. "It just happens and that I don't care what you want to see. I'm going to watch the game so excuse me shut the fuck up ."
I heard him chuckle and the urge to slap him became stronger. Who the hell thinks he is ?
-"You're cute when you're angry."
-"I'm not angry and stop looking at me!" I said frustrated.He smiled at me and I tried to focus on the game and try momentarily to forgot about him."Breath..." I whispered to myself.Oh and be strong,you are strong woman,remember ?! I thought to myself.
-"Has anyone ever told you that you look like Isla Fisher?" He asked me curiously.Oh God he is so annoying.If he doesn't stop I'll hit him .
-"What?" I asked angry
-"You know, the actress from Wedding Crashers?"
-"Oh her. Yes, all the time. It's the long hair and dark eyes."
-"She's much prettier, of course." He said matter-of-factly.I gasped.What the hell is wrong with him ? "You're rude."
-"And much nicer too, I'm sure."He noticed.
-"What is your problem?" I asked, pissed off and the guy next to me who was trying to watch the game looked at me and say : "Miss,seriously I'm trying to watch the game.You should too,it's not that bad ."I sighed.
-"No problem. I think you're the one with the issues."He said.
-"I have no issues, I am tying to be civil here and quite frankly, I'm tired of your attitude."
-"My attitude? You've been a royal bitch to me since we met ." He retorted.
-"I have been nothing but professional, you're the one with the crude jokes and smart ass remarks."
-"I beg to differ. I have been lovely and charming."He looked at me and smiled at me with his magnificent smile .
-"Hah. Charming my ass."I replied.
-"Look who is rude now!" THIS jerk pissed me off I totally HATE him .
-"Oh man, I'm so glad that in a few weeks I'll be in Haway .I won't have to meet you anymore."
-"Sorry to disappoint you, princess, but I'm going to Hawaii too. My friend is getting married and I'll be his first witness " What the fuck is going on here .The only wedding which will be in Hawaii is the wedding of Matt and Sarah .
-Who is your friend ?
-"Matthew. My best friend." NO he's gotta be kidding me... holly shit .I hate him and he'll be in the wedding too,I can't hadle this . No I can't I thought to myself.
-"You,you know him, Matthew Goldberg.. The basketball player...?"
-"Wow yes I think I am ". He answered me with ironical tember.
-"And your friend is Matthew .Matthew Goldberg.... ?" I asked .
-"Oh God yes,are you dumb or something ? you know him ?" -"He's my brother and I'm the brides mate."
-"Ohhh so you're the girl . Now I understand . Matt always talks about you. Soo we'll be together in the wedding ?" He smiled at me and smirked.My mouth dropped open. "I don't like you."
-"Hey, would you look at that, we have something in common. I don't like you either."He said.

~To be Continued~

The Next part will come in few days :) if you have any ideas feel free to share with me :)

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