Engagement Party

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A/N SURPRISE !! I know what you think "this can't be real this bitch just updated ??!?" YEPP ! I am so sorry that I haven't update for a while but I had some "love problems...yeah tell me 'bout it" and exams and everything is so so messed up ! But hey,I'm strong and everything will be fiiiine *hope so*. SO I'm stopping and I'll let you FINALLY to read the next chapter ,so have fun and if u like it pleaaaaaase tell me what you think,don't worry I don't bite !

I can't believe Matt is getting married . Not to say I am not surprised, but at the same time I am, I didn't expect for My brother to get his balls chopped off this quickly. It's been a week since I'm in London and being the good friend I am and also the bridesmaid ,I have been helping Sarah for the engagement party out the whole way in planning it, and now am picking out decorations for the backyard affair.

-"So who is all coming?" I asked Sarah picking up some outdoor candles ball things. "Well obviously the close group of friends we have here, some of my family and your family is coming."
-"Oh that's good." "
-"I'm depending on you to be good with the guest because I highly doubt the best man will."
-"Oh God." I said shivering, pushing the shopping cart down the aisle, looking at napkins. This asshole is subject number one !
-" I don't know why, you don't like him, can you please seem nice with him for me and Matt,Kim?"
-"Because he's a spoil brat ? And super hot i said it to myself,wait WHAT? Shit is about to get serious Kim watch it.
-"Okay,okay I will try but no promises that I will keep it up." "Good, that's all I ask. Does he even know that you're going to be the maide of honor?" "I'm not too sure, knowing Matt he hasn't mentioned it, but I think he will figure it out."
-"Oh, that's nice,actually I told him when we were on the basketball game. I can't believe that the all of Matt's friends he will choose this....,this.... "Selfish man chick" I rolled my eyes. -"Has he even asked about me?"
-Oh c'mon Kim,he is not so bad,he's a nice guy you have to get to know him. Promise me that."
- "Oh,fine,fine,I'll think about it and I'll try it ,don't worry about it." We went up to the cash and paid for everything.

**The Day Of Engagement Party**

After I saw Sarah in her room, finishing the final touches on her makeup. I showed up downstairs and ,everything was put together beautifully. The gazeebos were set up nicely and the decorations and furnature were set perfectly. I saw that mom and dad were in the kitchen with Sarah's mom and dad talking about everything coming up. I heard a knock at the door, so I walked over there with them. It was an old friend of Matt and Sarah. Brad and his parents, Steven and Lisa, and his brother Jason and his wife Karolina, and their daughter Lucia. At the back of the group I saw Jamie.

My stomach froze when I walked from the kitchen to the front door, seeing how good he looked. He was wearing black suit with a shirt which was unbottoned a little bit. Damn he is gorgeous. Anyway back to the party . It was a pretty formal event, since both families were very wealthy. Brad shook hands with Matt and hugged my mother and I giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Sarah walked downstairs, "Hey baby!" kissing Matt. His arm slipped around her waist. He then introduced everyone to each other. -"This is Kim, Sarah's best friend and other half, and also my crazy sister" Matt said politey, slightly laughing.
-"She will be my maide of honor and will actually be planning the wedding too," Sarah said, hugging Matt tighter. And all eyes in the room was stuck on me ,especially some deep
Blue eyes.

-"Oh that's impressive!" Brad's mom Lisa said smiling. Matt then made me want to punch myself repetively in the face when he said, "And Jamie, you know Kim." At first he just nodded his head at me and smiled slightly, only to be polite. After two seconds of staring at each other awkwardly, we leaned in for a hug to be polite. After I went and got everyone drinks, we did a toast to Sarah and Matt and everyone else came to join the party as well.

Things were going great, especially when the people I actually like showed up. Monika an old friend was escorted by Brad and Alice was dragged in by Robert, who couldn't wait for some food. At one point Sarah came over and asked, "Have you talked to Jamie yet?" -"Oh God no, I've been avoiding him!" -"Can you please talk to him? For me?" she did her puppy dog face.
-"Fine. Only cuz I love you, and you're my best friend." I scowled.
-"I love you boo! This is why you're my best friend!" she screamed being dragged away, walking over to the massive porch.

It was time for her parents to do a quick speech from certain people. While Sarah's parents were up there doing their speech, they mentioned at the end that I was her maide of honor and wedding planner and how much they appreciated me putting together this event. I could see the look on Jamie's face when they said that, he seemed so shocked, I don't know why. He even walked over to me, and the first thing he asked was, -"Wait, you're her maide of honor and planning the wedding?" For real ? He even doesn't remember when we talked on the game.
-"Yes, I thought we already went over this."
-"I wasn't really listening to that part," What the fuck ? He haven't even listening to me ? Is he serious ?
-"Surprise, surprise." I rolled my eyes. I could see Sarah and Matt looking at us, so I did a fake laugh and waved.
-"Look, *asshole* I thought to myself* ,"I know that things between us is not so good, but we need to try and get along for the sake of Sarah and Matt. Sarah is my best friend and Matt is my brother so we need to show our support," I said.
-"Well, you're right."
-"Good, because I don't think you want your best friend's wife to hate you for the rest of your life because she damn well will."
-"Oh no doubt about that. By the way, who is that?" he asked me, pointing over to Sarah's, thin, tall and beautiful cousin Kelsey.
-"Sarah's cousin Kelsey, why?" "Thanks." he said, walking over to hit on her. SUCH.AN.ASSHOLE !

A/N Well ,well,well ... What will happen next ? Any ideas ? So, This chapter is pretty long and I tried my best ! I promise *pinky promise* that the next chapter will be updated in a few days cuz i'm working on it !
Oh I almost forgot I'm dedicating this chapter to my friend ThoughtCraver and I wanna say to her THANKS for the understanding and all ! So that's it from me ! Take care and see ya :*

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