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A/N: Hey guys I'm sorry that I'm late with my update but I'm a little busy with my University *sighs* . So I'll try my best to post the next chapter next week because I'll be in Christmas vacation and I guess I'll have some time to write . Sorry if my chapters have grammatical mistakes but English is not my mother language and I write to exercise it. So check this chapter out and please feel free to comment or to write me a message,tell me if you like it and if you do,you can vote. Thank you :)
Previous chapter
-"Hey, would you look at that, we have something in common. I don't like you either."He said.

Jamie's POV

The woman have a temper and a half and I have to admit, it was fun adding fuel to that fire. When I realized how uneasy she was, I felt guilty for not being a proper gentleman. I tried to distract her during take-off but she had genuinely pissed me off with her coldness and cocky attitude. I regretted speaking to her the way I have but I would never admit that to her .I watched her now, sleeping quietly beside me. She did remind me of the Hollywood actress Isla Fisher, but where Fisher was pretty, she was absolutely sexy. She had round curves and the hottest legs I had ever seen, it was a shame she had such a smart mouth. A smart beautiful mouth, with full lips and... whoa, stop Jamie. When her's head slowly gravitated towards my shoulder, I grinned and let her head rest on me and put my arm around her shoulder, bringing her a little closer.It felts so good to have her body nestle beside mine , but it would feel even better when she woke up and realized what position she got herself into. She would be furious! I chuckled and tried to watch the game.

Kim's POV:

I snuggled deeper into Joe's chest as I couldn't remember ever being this comfortable with him. My hand was resting on his surprisingly big arm.He was always complaining about the juice heads at the gym .I sighed contentedly, enjoying how Joe smelled today. He usually had strong overpowering cologne on and today he smelled fresh and... manly. It was quite intoxicating and I almost regretted how I saw him with onother girl in our bedroom I can't forgive him but I miss him so much I can't forgot him,all I think about is him. Suddenly, reality came crashing me to open my eyes. When I opened I realized that I wasn't with Joe...
I looked up to see Jamie who watched the game. His arm was draped over my shoulder.
-"Holy crap." I whispered guiltily.When I attempted to discreetly move from under his arm.
-"Shit."I tried again, carefully lifting his hand above my head... almost there... "Ow!" A strand of my hair was stuck on his shirt and my movement tugged viciously on my head.
-"What are you doing?" He asked, confused.
-"Ah, don't move. My hair is stuck."
-"Why in God's name is your hair stuck on me? What were you doing?"
-"Nothing! I fell asleep!" I half-yelled.I was becoming more anxious the longer I stayed in his arms. Think of Joe talking to myself... "Are you going to help or not?"
-"Well, if you would stop fidgeting I can try! You're stuck on a button. Here we go..."
-"Did you get it?" I asked.
-"Not yet. Quit moving." I ignored the childish wish to say 'no you quit moving!' and stilled so he could unleash my hair. What was taking him so long? I felt his fingers lightly move in my hair and I shrugged off the pleasure. "Hurry up!"
-"You're so bossy! Here, finally, you're free!"
-"I'm not bossy," you just make me uncomfortable, "and this is not my fault. I woke up and you had your arms around me!"
-"Of course." He stated simply.
-"Of course, what?"I was so angry...again.
-"Of course not only am I not getting thanked for helping you, but you're going to blame me for the fact that you fell asleep on me!"I blushed. -"I need to go to the bathroom."
-"I'm not stopping you, lady."I half stood and sighed loudly, sitting back down. -"Well are you going to stand so I can pass?"
Jamie moved his knees to the side and gestured to me,there was no need for him to stand up. I glared at him evilly and took a stand trying to decide the best way to walk in front of him. I finally decided to give him my back and squeeze out when everything start to spinning around.
I stumbled back which resulted to my falling neatly on his lap, causing his arms to come around me protectively. My heart began beating frantically. I didn't dare to move! I gripped his arm urgently and let his warmth comfort me. He put an arm around me, holding me in place and I closed my eyes allowing his arms to hold me.I could now feel Jamie's breath on my neck and I immediately flushed, feeling embarrassed.
-"Are you ok?" He asked gently.
-"I'm fine." I awkwardly stood off of him and walked to the toilet.I opened the door to the toilet , closing it tightly behind me. What just happened? When I fell on him ...I wanted him. Guilt washed over me as I remembered my boyfriend Joe ...OK my exboyfriend . "Oh man,everything is fucked up."
I splashed some water on my face and patted it dry with a napkin. When I went back to my seat Jamie immediately stood up, allowing me to walk in my seat. I blushed again and sat down awkwardly. After a few moments Mr. Charming smile spoke.
-"The game is over ." He said, breaking the silence.
-"Thank God." I replied rather quickly and immediately regretted it. I'm so tired I want to go home and go back to sleep.
We walked towards the exit and walked down a pair of stairs into the outside. Jamie motioned for me to go ahead of him, 'ladies first' after all. When we walked inside the Stadium.

-"What now? ." He said looking around.
-"Now we wait for Matt and Sarah I mean if you want to wait them here with me?" I asked, impressed.
-"Yeah sure ."
We sat outside in front of the stadium and waited for them,where the hell are they.I and Mr.Asshole waited in awkward silence. Till one old couple smiled when they looked over and waved to us. When the couple come to us the old lady extended her hand and Jamie shook it.
-"Jamie que passa "? I think that she asked him in Spanish
-"Ola Frau Elisel .I'm doing well "He answered.
-'I just wanted to say you guys are a really great couple. And so cute! I'm a romantic, I'll admit, but you two really do have something special. Jamie this girl is really pretty."The old woman looked at me with warm smile.I blanched and even Jamie seemed taken back. He looked over at me and we both shook our heads.
-"Oh no, we're not... we're not together." I said first.
-"We are not dating. No we definitely, without -a -doubt are not dating!" He added.
-"I would never date anyone like him."I retorted.
-"And I would never date any woman like her!" He yelled back.We faced each other angrily and neither looked away, refusing to break contact first.
-"Oh, I'm sorry." The old woman said awkwardly. "I didn't mean to imply anything, I'm going to let you..." She walked away and I blushed, embarrassed.When Matt and Sarah finally came to us I took a deep breath Thank God.
-"Hey Kim we've been searching you." Sarah said and hug me .
-"So Jamie this is my little sister Like I see you know each other or I'm wrong ?" Matt asked him
-"Yes she's really nice bro ."
-"Look man we're going to the pizzeria "Djordjio" do you want to come with us?" My brother asked him
-"Thanks for the invitation but I'm tired and tomorrow I have to get up early ."He looked at me with his beautiful eyes and smiled at me . Huh what he thinks that he will impress me with his smile ,incredible body,incredible eyes and smell and...Oh Lord this is wrong . He's draving me crazy and I have to admitted .
When we FINALLY get home I lay my head on the pillow squeezed my eyes shut and tried to fall asleep. In my head, I screamed: FALL ASLEEP. FALL ASLEEP. It was a counterproductive exercise.I think about Him about how comfortable I felt in his arms when I fall asleep during the game.I reached into the nightstand and grabbed my iPod, but after ten minutes of clicking the forward button, I yanked the earphones from my ears. Every song told me things that I didn't want to hear ,things that remind me for Joe.
So I really really hope so to like this chapter guys. I don't like it at all and I think it's a little bit bored but like i said I gave my best.
Thanks for the reading and one more time :If you have any ideas for the story you can message me :)
So that's it from me I'm wishing you a great week :) :*

P.S : I added the video "Blank Space" because it inspired me for this chapter and I really really like this song :)

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