Home,sweet home

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-"So Kim ,where are you from ?
-"I'm from London but I live in Chicago...actually I lived in Chicago.
-"Really ? I'm from London too and what brings you in London "? The gorgeous man asked me .
-"Well it's a long story. Chicago is not for me anymore. I broke up with my boyfriend, I lost everything what I had and my brother is getting married for his lovely girlfriend. And I'll be the bridesmaid and one brokerage company make me an offert to me to work for them .
-"You're a broker "? I think that's a great job."
-"Yep . So what about you ? I think you're a model or somethin... right ?"
-"What gave that away ? He asked .
-"Well your built I guess ? Oh my, am I flirting with him? No no no way, be strong Kim,keep it together.
-" I'm an actor and before I worked as a model.How did you know? He asked looking curious .
-"Well I saw your picture in Cosmopolitan magazine.
-"Yeah it's possible. So you said that you're going to a wedding? Funny I'm going to a wedding too. Where it will be ?
-"In Ha...but I coudn't finished my sentence the speakers interrupt me.
-"Dear passangers the flights are recovered please take your seats . We are sorry for the inconvenience.We wish you a pleasant flight .
-"So I have to go Jamie . Bye and take care".And I rushed to get back on my way away from him .
When I take a seat in the airplane I fall asleep.

-"Excuse me Mrs wake up we're in London."
I heard someone say while I feel a hand nudging me . My eyes opened slowly as I looked out through the small window next to me. One thing I knew,that the plane had finally landed. I was finally home! Oh I missed London so much.
When I finally arrived at Matt's house which was a big one with beautiful garden .The front door swung open and there stood the happy couple.I admired how they still loved each other .Not many couples are like that.Sometimes I wished I would grow old with someone that loves me ,but I though It was still early to think about marriage.When I go out of the car I ran to meet my brother .Matt hug me tigh and I returned it.
-"Kim look at you! I haven't seen you since ages! Where is your boyfriend?"
-"I don't have one".I said confused and pulled away. His face fell and he looked disappointed.
-"But what happened to that nice boy...Joe"? Asked Sarah.
-"That was over a long time ago ." I started and she just nodded taking it in.
-"Well,he wasn't that nice anyway then." Matt said trying to sound cheerful and smiled.For me Joe was a past .I have nice memories with him but the pain is still in me.
-"You'll find someone ,much better Kim.Now come,Sarah made your favorite pie".And then they ushered me inside and I already smell the scent of the sweet pie .
-"Aww,Sarah you didn't have to."I said making my way to the kitchen."You could have waited for me and I would have helped you to make it."
-"It's alright dear.Matt helped me.How about we make another?"I grinned and made my way to cupboards and took out the ingredients.We ended up making two batches and put it in the oven.While waiting for it to be done,I and Sarah talked about the wedding and I told her about my days in USA.She felt that I had missed London and wanted to live here.
-"You're more than welcome to stay here."Sarah said taking my hand and smiled.In this time Matt came and said:
-"Oh ,I almost forgot.I invited my friend for the party tomorrow and I really want you to meet him .He's really nice." Oh God I knew where this is going ,I could see it in his eyes,he was hooking me up with someone."Yeah that's what you said the last time and he turned out to be a total creeper!"
-"Well,not this time.I promise you that ."He defended him and I sighed.
-"Fine but that doesn't mean that I'm going to date him.
Matt just nodded and muttered something under his breath,but I couldn't hear it.He smiled innoncently at me before heading to oven.Apparently,the pies were done.

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