To wake up next to him

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Waking up on Jamie that morning made everything feel so good.I woke up feeling him twitch. I opened my eyes and realized I was on top of him and he was awake. It felt so good but so wrong.We both looked at each other oddly for a bit, realizing that his arms were still wrapped around my waist. I blushed and got up off of him quickly, not wanting to embarrass myself infront of him for a millionth time.Clearly he wanted to move and I wasn't helping him by any means.

After my awkward shower, I went back downstairs and grabbed myself some fruit and watched some Tv show. Minutes later, Jamie came through the front door sweating like crazy. He obviously just went for a run and needed to blow off some steam. He wiped his forehead with his shirt while he walked by, flashing his abs infront of my face, teasing me like crazy. No words were said, as he walked by listening to his music, not even making eye contact with me.

For most of the day it was like that. He did his thing while I did mine. I decided to help Sarah and Matt out by organizing their linen closets in their hallways and guest rooms, since they were a disorganized mess. I could hear Jamie listening to some music through his bedroom door. He didn't once get out to do something all day. It was like last night didn't even happen. Was it something I did? I mean, he lead me on and flirted. He chose the scary movie and I guess he knows I don't like them at all. And he invited me to cuddle with him. It can't be my fault, can it? And why the fuck I'm worried about it? There isn't happened anything. Want I to happen something ? I'm really confused with myself.Around 4 finally he came out of his "cave" like greek god and was talking on his cellphone. I could tell he was talking with his psrents. When he got into the kitchen where I was, he sat at a bar stool and put his phone down, letting out a great big sigh.
-"You okay?" I asked, wanting to be somewhat of a help.
-"Yeah, I just get homesick sometimes. My parents are in Ireland and were telling me all about my dog Biscuit and I just miss him." Biscuit ? Seriously like a cookie ? Who will name his dog a cookie ?
-"I love that dog more than anyone." -"Will you visit your parents and dog soon ?"
-"Not so sure. My parents will come
for the engagement party and maybe they will bring it with them."
- "Aw that's nice. I miss my dog too." -"Oh you have also a dog ?" he asked, playing with his phone, looking at me concerned.
-"I had with my ex boyfriend but we put him down a year ago." I replied, trying not to cry. My dog Ares meant a lot to me.
-"Aw I'm so sorry to hear that."
- "Yeah, he got really sick and it was a sin watching him. A lot has changed in the past year."
- "Yeah no kidding." he said as we both awkwardly looked away from each other.
-"What else has happened?" he asked quietly.
-"Uhm, not too much, graduated from University ,moved in USA I also worked at the family business and that's about it really, you?"
-"Oh nothing too much, just photo shooting,audience for movies and trying to make more friends down here."
-"Oh. By the looks of it I thought you had tons of friends here and stuff."
- "I do but not really I guess, I don't know. I just go out a lot."
-"Oh, I see. And going places like bars and clubs will find you friends?"
-"Well it got me some." I could feel myself getting angry with our conversation and I don't know why,so I decided to end it pretty fast.
Last night we were on great terms, and I want to keep it that way for the most part. After a couple of awkward minutes, I noticed Jamie and I were staring at each other like a cat and dog.I don't know what it was but an overwhelming sensation came over my body. I don't know what it was. I haven't felt something like that since I was with Joe...and I could tell that it was more powerful. I can't stop thinking about what happened the past few years between me and Joe and it hurts me to even think about it. I was badly hurt by him and it's not so easy to erase all the memories just like that. I could feel the tears welting up in my eyes, remembering the feelings and emotions that I experienced over him, not too long ago. And last night really affected my feelings. It was really good. It felt really right,to be with someone,to wake up to someone,to feel his body and to feel safe.
The tears formed in my eyes so fast and my lip was quivering a little bit. Jamie saw, and got out of the stool. He stood infront of me and rubbed my arms, then embraced me in a hug, squeezing me the way Joe did it when we were together but the "Jamie's hug" was different. It was more protective,sweet and overhelming . The feeling was all too familiar for me, and my heart beat started racing as I hugged him back. I was very hesitant, and I didn't want to do the wrong thing. I started to sob into his chest, feeling as if all of my built up anger and sadness hit me harder than a wave. His hands rubbed my back up and down, and he whispered.
-"I'm sorry." in my ear ever so softly and so sexy. It felt so nice to hear him say that and I just wanted to kiss him right then and there. But I wasn't going to allow myself.
After my little cry, I went for a bubble bath and relaxed for a bit. When I came downstairs into the kitchen, I could see Jamie making something.
-"What are you making?" I asked very confused.
-"I am going to prove to you that there is nothing more delicious than a home made mac burger ."
-"Oh god," I laughed rubbing my eyes. After he served me up some, we went into the TV room and picked yet another movie. This time is was some romantic comedy. It was hilarious but had it's sad parts, like any other chick flick would have.
Near the end of the movie, we could hear rain pounding on the roof and windows. The power cut out with half an hour left in the movie and I really wanted to see the ending.
-"Do you want to finish watching it on my mc book?" I nodded and up to his room we went. I hadn't been in his room up till that point for that long. He told me to get comfy in his bed while he set it up. He jumped back onto the bed and snuggled into me, since the screen wasn't that big for both of us to see. I lay into his chest and he looked down at me from time to time while we watched it. Near the end, he asked." Soo was my home made mac burger good?"
-"It wasn't nearly as good and tasted like crap."
-"Now what about this?" he asked. I looked at him confused, then he kissed my forehead. After I finished staring at him dumbfoundedly, I replied, "That seemed just right to me."
-"Good," he said. I wish he'd kissed my lips instead. So, so,so badly.
Once the movie was over, I went to get up and go to my bed as the thunder roared. He grabbed my wrist and asked in his most cute and adorable sleepy voice, "don't go, can you please stay?" I couldn't resist that voice or the way he looked, laying shirtless in bed with his sleep pants on and his messy hair off to the side. I climbed onto the bed with him and he took us under the covers. I fell asleep with Jamie behind me, spooning, and dreamt that we could stay like this forever.

A/N Finally they are there... What do you guys think ?

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