New House

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A/N: No shit ! I just update the next chapter ! Hahahah Hope u like it :)

It's been a week since the awkward engagement party and I still haven't gotten the image of this Greek god wheeling Sarah's cousin out of my head. Though now that things have gotten settled, Sarah has asked me to help her to move some of her things to hers and my brother's new house in London, since he just baught one.
They had a moving truck to take the couples joint items in one and for part of Jamie's stuff, since he is moving back to London also. Matt is driving the truck, Sarah is taking her car and I am going down in my own and Mr.Douchebag in his. I always love driving and thinking about life, but I snapped out of it when Sarah called me and asked if I wouldn't mind helping "Mr.Know it all" to move into his new house,since his things were at the back of the moving van.
-"Please, it won't be that bad!"
- "No freakin' way ! He'll be helping by his own! Sarah,I'm not his slave !"
-"Pretty please Kim."
-"NO way."
-"Yes." Hold ON HOLD ON...WHAT DID i just say???!???
-" I have to see him later when we move you in though!"
-"Kim, please! Stop acting like a child! " Oh no girl you just didn't said it am I right ? So I'm the one who act like a child huh ?
-"Argh okaay fine,fine, you win BUT I am not gonna smiling or being nice." -"That's fine." "Bye." I scowled. She knew I was not impressed right now.
When I pulled up to Jamie's big house I noticed there was way too many cars that should be there. When I got out of the car and stretched my legs, Sarah walked over to me. "Don't be mad at me. I didn't know," she said in a shaky voice. Then I knew why. There were two blonde haired girls with massive boobs, hanging out of their shirts ready to help Mr.Arrogant to move in. "Jay Jamie!" the one yelled over, picking up a box of underwear, "where do you want your box of sexy boxers baby?" Ugh,seriously right now ? I don't know why but this chick made me sick. I really don't know why This affected me actually. -"last room on the right," he replied With his sexy voice on his way over to the truck.He was wearing a hoodie on top of his gray sweatpants, and he looked so freaking hot. He didn't even acknowledge my existence, which didn't quite sit well with me, but at the same time it was fine. Matt noticed and called him over to us.
-"We asked Kim if she could help you too to make things quicker and easier." -"Oh,that's nice."
- "Hello to you too Jamie," I said with attitude, noticing he didn't even look at me. It was rude and I am going to act like a bitch until he treats me like a human.He stared at me, almost with disgust, "Hi."
-"What would you like me to do?" -"Take those down to the basement," he said pointing over to the pile of boxes, I picked one up and carried it to the doorway. One of the chicks was blocking the doorway and moved when she saw me carrying a massive box. I could see the look of shock on her face, so I commented, "you should really go to the gym to work out instead of starving yourself sweetheart!" And continued to walk downstairs. Okay what's wrong with me. This is not me,this is not happening. I'm so confused. I brought the rest of the boxes and placed them in the corner of the basement, not knowing exactly where to put them. Each time I walked up and down the stairs, I could see Jamie hitting on the bimbos, grabbing their ass or making out with them. It made me sick knowing how much I liked him...wait a second. Did i just I thought that I like him or nah problably not,this can't be real. Why I should Like him ? He's a total jerk,and arrogant and macho and hit everything with boobs and legs and he's sexy and tall and smoking hot and i need a man ,yeah I definitely need a man but not that kind of man.
Things got even worse when we made it to Matt and Sarah's new house the next morning. Once the boxes were moved in, they sat us down and gave us specific instructions.
-"Now, tomorrow, when Nick and Jacob get here, we will all team up to unpack this shit. I don't want to hear any complaints, and you have to try and get along." Sarah began, acting like a mother. "Matt and I don't want any more stress, and we gotta work fast, right Matt?" We looked over to Matt who was using the tape roller thing on his legs, wrapping them together. " And that's what you're getting married to," I laughed, getting up and grabbing a water bottle.I was stuck in the basement, getting out all of their valuables with Jamie. I wanted to kill myself. He looked good, and I looked like shit. I was exhausted from yesterday, and got no sleep. It was silent and very awkward, so to break the silence, I started a conversation. -"So who were those girls that helped you move yesterday?" Why am I asking about these barbies anyway?
-"Stacy and Lexy."
-"Oh, that's nice. How do you know them?" Kim get your shit together it's not your business!
-"Met them at a club once, they are pretty nice girls." He said, looking down at the box he was opening.
- "Oh I thought that you picked them up at the street corner." Ookay that was it ! Just shut up for once dummy ! -"You think so highly of me ,don't you?"
-"Well when you ask girls like that to help you move into your house, why wouldn't I?" It's official,shit is about to get serious and the war began. Very smart Kim very smart!
-"What is that supposed to mean?" he asked looking at me.
-"It means you go after nothing but attention whores who find one sugar daddy after another to pay for their plastic surgery treatments and their lifestyle." And where were I at the part for *shut the fuck up* ? Why I even care ?
-"I'm not old enough to be a sugar daddy!"
-"You might as well be Jamie, sorry, but I'm pretty sure they were cougars," -"They are 21!"
- "Their face is so tight it has a shine. They look old. They have a face on their make up . You literally go after anything with big tits and ass and spend your time partying and wasting your money!"
-"Why the fuck do you care Kim!? You don't have a right ! You aren't my mother, sister or girlfriend Kim ! You aren't even a friend, so fuck off from my business and life! And stop acting like a bitch and find someone to fuck up with. I see that you need sex!" This jerk ! And he's damn right I need SEX ! Oh Lord take me before it's too late 'cuz i fucked up the things so freaking bad. -"You have some nerve, you know that jackass!?" I yelled, hearing footsteps running down the stairs. "What is going on down here?" Sarah asked, looking confused.
-"I can't deal with this dumb bitch," Jamie said, throwing down a towel and, walking away upstairs. I was on the verge of tears. She came up to me and hugged me, knowing how hurt I was. "You don't deserve that Kim." She whispered as I cried.
-"I'll go take care of him. I'm sorry." My brother finally showed up "It's okay." Once Matt went upstairs, I sat on the floor and had a good cry, while unpacking their stuff. I don't know if I can do this for them. It's official :!


A/N: No Kim you're not a dummy,you're just desperate... :D
So,if u want left a comment and tell me what do you think :)

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