Salt and Pepper

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"Thank you so much!" I yelled, pulling him in for a hug. He hugged me tight, a bit too tight and then pulled back. 

"You start now." He said, patting my shoulder once before he he started walking away.

"Wait, what? Now? Here? At this very moment?" I asked, stopping him quickly, panic surging through my veins.

"Yeah, it is a training day." He raised an eyebrow, as if expecting me to back out. 

"Such short notice." I frowned. "Come on, I promise I'll start tomorrow." I gave him my best puppy dog face and almost jumped when I saw him nod."Thank you!" I yelled as I ran back to the pack house.

Jogging back to my room with a smile on my face as I thought of a plan for the training session tomorrow. It would be difficult at first but after a while I'm sure I'll get it.

I suddenly stopped a few steps from my door as I realised that the door was slightly ajar. I was certain it was shut when I left.

Shrugging it off, I pushed the door open and took a step in, only to release a yelp when something hit my head from the top and my body was suddenly soaked in what felt like mud. My eyes were wide as i examined my body and the floor around me, all covered in the thick brown liquid substance.


Laughter caught my attention as I turned to look outside my room. Just then a figure walked past, a hand on their stomach and one covering their mouth as they tried to hold in their laughter.

"Payback's a bitch." Bruce sang as he casually walked past. I felt like jumping on him and punching the shit out of him but I held back and took a deep breath in.

I closed my door and had a shower, making sure I got all the mud out of my hair. It took a long time and a lot of shampoo before the water began showing up clear again.

I got out and changed into some comfy clothes then walked out. I need to search for some good pranks on Google. 

I must've been in the shower for a very long time because the wooden floor was shining, no trace of mud. I looked left and right but saw no one to thank. I shrugged it off and began walking up the stairs and into Chase's room.

"Where are you?" I asked him once I saw he wasn't in his room.

"Out patrolling. What's up?" He replied almost instantly.

"Can I use your laptop? If you have one." I asked as I sat on his bed. It was actually really soft and smelt like him, making me slightly smile.

"Of course. It's in my room. It should be on one of the bed side drawers." I turned around and found it on the right bed side drawer. Grabbing it, I leaned my back on the head board and opened it up on my lap.

"Found it, thank you." I replied.

"No problem. Why do you need it anyways?" He asked.

"Password? I need to search up some pranks. Bruce just got me."

"Misty. Did he?" he laughed,"Tell me about it when I get home." He said while I typed Misty in. I wonder who Misty is? Maybe his mate, I thought so I decided not to ask him.

"Yeah, I will." I mumbled as I started my search.

Chase and I talked quite a bit during the time that I searched up pranks. I also found a lot of pranks. I couldn't wait to try them on Bruce. I made sure to write all of the good ones down.

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