Prank Call

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"Crystal?" I chose to ignore him. I stood up and looked at Nate and Sam. They both looked at their food, not saying anything."Crystal babe?" He asked again. I felt sparks shoot up my arm and i pulled my hand away.

I started walking away from him and the boys and made my way towards the exit. I could hear the foot steps of the guys following me and i clenched my fists.

He better not say anything to me, otherwise i will seriously scream at him.

I walked out and started walking to Nates dodge. That's when i felt Blakes warm hand on my shoulder and i stopped in my steps. I felt like turning around and jumping into his arms, but i held back, remebering what he did.

"Crystal, please turn around." He pleaded. I sighed and turned around slowly and looked at Nate and Sam who were behind Blake, looking sad. "Look at me, please." He whispered, dropping his hand.

I looked at him and my eyes grew big. He looked so different. His eyes were droopy and had dark circles around them from lack of sleep. His eyes held regret and sadness, no longer shining like they used to. And his lips were pulled into a frown.

My wolf was howling in pain from seeing her mate like this but i held strong and tried to keep a straight face.

"I'm sorry." He said, as he reached for my cheek. I flinched back and he dropped his hand. "Crystal, i'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I miss you. I love you." He added. That made me furious.

"You love me?! If you did then you would have never slept with those girls!" I screamed, pointing a finger at him. He looked down straight away. "Screw you Blake! You lost me ages ago!" I added and walked away.

I heard him growl and then i was slammed up against Nate Dodge. He put his hands next to my head and block all exits. What scared me though, was his black eyes, filled bith rage. I kind of like this side to him. The possesive side. It showed that he cared and loved me.

"Let go!" I yelled in his face. He only growled and next thing i knew, his lips were on mine. He kissed me and i kissed him back. We had a full on make out session and it felt like old times again, when we loved each other. But then i remembered what he did.

I pushed him and he stumbled back. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and glared at him. Hurt crossed his eyes before it was replaced with lust. I glared at him again before silently making my way to the passenger side of the car.

I hopped in and locked my door, hoping he wouldn't knock on my window or anything. He didn't but Nate and Sam didn't come in so i assumed that Blake was talking to them. That's when i broke down. I brought my knees up and hugged them. I cried into them. I cried for the things Blake does to me, i cried from the pain he caused me and then acting as though saying sorry will make it better.

I buried my head into my knees when i heard the door open and someone pulled me in for a hug. I knew it wasn't Blake so i leaned into them, glad for the comfort they provided. The person rubbed my back and kissed my forehead but they didn't say anything.

I cried a bit more but i finally decided to pull back and thank Nate. But when i pulled back, it wasn't Nate or Sam, it was Chace. I was shocked so i moved away from him and i moved to the other side of the seats. I saw hurt flash through his eyes before he replaced it with worry.

"Crystal, are you ok?" He asked, reaching a hand out. It angered me how he decided to speak to me now so i moved back and his hand fell down.

"Yeah," I sniffed, "What are you doing here?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

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