Chase Or Blake?

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"I don't trust them," I mumbled, watching Chaces' car leave the pack house. I glared at it until it was out of sight befor grabbing my keys from the night stand.

"Woah man, where you going?" Sam asked, stopping me from leaving the room.

"Uhh, just out." I shrugged, side stepping him.

"Just don't follow them!" He yelled behind me. I couldn't keep that promise so i just ignored him and walked away. Like i could resist following my mate after seeing her leave the pack house with two male wolves.

I ran to my car and jumped in before speeding off. Hopefully they don't catch me and nothing happens which would make me reveal myself. I just don't trust these guys, especially Chase. He stares at Crystal with a look one would give to their beloved. I always have to fight my wolf down and keep him away from surfacing.

The mall was okay, no mishaps there.

But at the park is what pissed me off. I understood that they had a little game between themselves where they would play immature pranks on each other. I was suprised because i had never met this Crystal before. But the prank Chace and Bruce just played was over the top.

Knowing Crystal almost all my life i knew she didn't know how to swim. So i didn't hesitate to dive into the water, saving her from her painful death.

Leaving my electronics at the start of the deck, i ran and pushed Chace and Bruce to the side before diving into the water. I swam towards her and i was just in time too. Her head had just gone under water but i quickly grabbed her arm, stopping her from sinking to Spongebob.

With one hand holding her and the other paddling, i made it to the dock and placed her on where Chace pulled her  up. Immediatly he started to pump her chest, making me growl. So now he wants to act like the not-so-smart-alpha he is.

I pulled myself up and pushed him away. Let the one who actually knows how to revive a person from drowning save her. Pinching her nose, i stared at her mouth debating wheather or not i should do it. She might get angry at me but this is life or death!

I brought my lips to hers and felt the tingles immediatly. Ignoring the tingles, i breathed out and into her mouth, allowing oxygen to flow through her esophagus. I did it four times before hovering my ear over her mouth and watching out for signs of her chest moving up and down. I checked her pulse and grinned when i felt her heart beating very lightly.

I repeated the process and in the middle of the third blow, she started coughing up water. I moved away and held her back as she sat up and barfed the water out.

She looked at me with a shocked expression.


Tingles on my mouth is what confirmed my thoughts of still having a chance of living. I had a feeling that i would live- well it was more of my wolfs. So while i was slowly drifting off, i made a list of things i would do when i regained consciousness.

I would bake a cake when i got home, hug my brothers, forgive Blake and on top of all of that, murder Chace and Bruce. I know i know, i should've told them that i don't know how to swim. But it's not something you ca just say in a conversation and it's actually quite embarrassing.

I felt the water run up my throat and out my mouth. It was nasty and wondered how mother birds were able to do this to their children. I would make a terrible mother bird.

But when i felt that everything was going to be fine, i wiped my mouth and turned around to thank my savior. But of course i would be shocked at seeing my mate there, soaking wet and wearing a worried expression. Forgive Blake, one of the things in my list.

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