The Meeting

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Blake lied. 

I never saw him that morning.

The only thing left of his was a note.

Dear reader,

When i read that letter, i knew the rouges had my parents. I didn't want anyone to worry so i pretended it wasn't a big deal. I'd do anything for them, including giving up my life and pack land.

I'm sorry if i've upset anyone but i did this for my parents. 

I'm sure i can handle this, I'm Blake Carter after all. Don't send help. Chase, your pack has helped mine enough. I just ask for you to look after my people. 

And to Crystal. I'm sorry for the things i did. I know i can never make you forgive me but i just want you to know that i'll always love you and you'll always be the closest one to my heart.  

With much love and gratitude

Blake Carter



"There must be a mistake!" I yelled, staring at the paper. "Blake couldn't do this. He told me last night that we'd talk about it today!" 

"That's what we found on his bed. His back pack was gone but his phone was left behind." Nate whispered from behind me. I tightened my grasp on the paper, wanting to rip it a part but not having enough inner strength to do so.

"We have to go after him." I whispered while turning around. Chase frowned along with my brothers. 

"We can't just go in there without a plan." Bruce said. "We should talk about this and plan something carefully."

"Bruce is right. We don't know what they're doing with him." Chace added, sighing at the end. I stared at them all, trying to figure out what each of them were thinking. Seeing that i was most likely going to lose, i sighed. 

"Fine but i want to leave ASAP." I mumbled, walking out the door. I couldn't let go of the paper, no matter how much i tried. 

"Wait." Sam said, stopping me in my tracks. "We'll have the meeting now. Chase, to the meeting room?" 

"Yes. Tyrees is already on his way there. Lets go." Chase replied. I walked out of the room and stood to the side, allowing them all to walk out before i started walking. 

I walked silently behind them, not being able to remove my eyes from the letter. It just seemed so unreal and unlike Blake. Never had i thought he would do such a thing. The respect that i had for him before can not compare to how much respect i had for him now. 

"We'll save him, sis." Nate mumbled, slowing down so he could walk next to me. I didn't reply as i felt a tear slip out of my eye. Nate threw his arm over my shoulder and gave me a little squeeze before letting go. 

That little hug helped me relax a little but it couldn't compare to the amount of relaxation i'd have by having Blake right in front of me. Safe. Secure. And happy.

I walked into the meeting room, choosing to sit on a chair that had no neighbours. Everyone seemed to know i wanted space because no one came to sit next to me. 

"I say we go after him," Sam started. 

"Me too." Bruce said, putting his hand up. 

"Yeah, but we need a plan." Ty said, laying both of his hands onto the table. 

"Ty's right. We need a plan that leaves no casualties and we get Blake and his parents out of there safely." Chase said. Since Blake is gone, Chase is now the leader of two packs which must be a strain on him. 

"I say we get our warriors and fighters and suprise attack them," Nate said. "Soon so they don't know we're coming."

"No, 'cause they'll be expecting Blake to have some sort of suprise. I don't think going this early is a good idea." Chase said.

"So then we wait a few days." Nate shrugged. 

"Not too long," Sam quickly said. "We don't know what they're doing to him." 

"And i reckon we go in two groups. One hits them from the front and the other from the back." Bruce added.

"Ok, that's good." Chase nodded, writing stuff down on paper. "The two groups will be mixed with people from mine and Blakes pack. Healers will also be included in each group." 

"When are we going?" I whispered, making everyone turn to look at me. 

"Tomorrow." Nate said.

"No way. Three days max. They'll never expect it." Ty said.

"The day after tomorrow," Chase said, giving me a small smile. I nodded but i didn't smile back, not in the mood for smiling. 

"What if we're over run? I spoke to someone from Blakes pack before and they said there were a lot of rouges." Bruce mumbled, making everyone go silent.

"It doesn't matter. We grab Blake and his parents and we leave." Chase said, ending the meeting. 


"You've got to eat something." Nate pleaded, pushing the plate of cut apples towards me. I shook my head and pushed it back. 

"I'm not hungry," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. Bruce walked in and went over to the fridge before looking through it.

"At least one slice." He groaned, frowing at me. I shook my head and leaned my hands onto the cold granite of the kitchen counter. 

"I'll have them!" Bruce yelled, reaching to grab one but Nate quickly moved the plate away. 

"She hasn't eaten all day." Nate said, glaring at Bruce. I groaned, knowing that this meant Bruce would join in with trying to feed me. 

"Look how nice they look! Imagine how they'd taste." Bruce said, licking his lips and moving his eyebrows. "So sweet and juicy." He continued. I rolled my eyes and looked away from them. 

"What are you guys doing?" Chase asked, walking into the kitchen. I groaned louder than before, knowing that i couldn't say no to him.

"Yay! Chase to the rescue!" Bruce yelled, clapping his hands. I wondered if he has a childs brain but then again, who says we have to grow up?

"Crystal hasn't eaten anything all day." Nate muttered, annoyed with the crowd. I looked up at Chase just as he turned to look at me. My eyes were silently pleading him to help me, knowing that he had been through this before. 

"Leave her alone. She's going through a tough time." Chase said, looking at Nate and Bruce. I smiled and poked my tongue out at Bruce. 

"Is it just me or is time going really slowly?" I asked, frowning as i looked at the clock.

"You're just keen for the day after tomorrow." Nate said sadly. 

"Try not to think about it. Time will fly by." Chase advised, moving to the fridge.

But i can't stop thinking about, that's the thing. Almost everything reminds me of Blake. The fridge reminds me of how he would always seem to find bacon in there. The toaster reminds me of how he would sometimes back me breakfast with burnt toast. The counter reminds me of when i would sit on it as he passionately kissed me. 

Oh how i would do anything just to see him safe and sound right now. 


Ok ok, it's super short but i wanted to go straight to when they go get Blake!! So that's going to be next chapter, :D




Thanks! Immybill (: xoxo

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