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"You go first." The woman squealed into the phone, her hands gripping the phone tightly in anticipation.

"No no, you go first!" The other woman on the other end replied.

"Fine, we say it together."

"On the count of three." 




"Boy!" Both girls yelled into the receiver, a huge grin over taking both of their lips as they squealed in happiness. They laughed afterward, genuinely happy for the other.

"We named him Alarik, after his grandfather." Abby said, a soft smile on her lips. At the sound of his wife saying his sons name on the phone, Chase entered the room and raised his eyebrow at her. She put a finger to her lips before shooing him out silently.

"We named him Derek, Bruce said he has loved the name since he was a child." Cleo chuckled, covering her mouth slightly.

"Derek is a lovely name, don't you think, honey?" Abby asked her husband who hadn't bothered to leave the room, giving him a glance. Chases lips lifted up into a smile and continued to grow until he was laughing. 

Surprised and slightly angered by her husband’s rude actions towards their Alpha, Abby slapped his shoulder and shushed him again.

"What's so funny?" Cleo asked, curious as to why her husband’s best friend was laughing. 

"My apologies, Luna. I don't know what’s gotten into him." Abby hurriedly apologized, not wanting to get on the Lunas bad side.

Both women had a little bit of drama when they found out they were pregnant on at the same time and both babies would be born on the same week. After some talking from their husbands, both women finally began to talk to each other again.

They promised to keep the gender a surprise and not to tell the other until both babies were born.

"Ask her where Bruce is." Chase said, a lazy smile still on his face as he tried not to laugh again. Abby did as she was asked before answering.

"They're all at home." She said. 

"Tell her we'll be there soon." Chase said, turning around to get Alarik ready. He was out of the room before Abby could even say a word. With a groan and mutter of curse words, she bided the Luna farewell and promised to see her soon.


"Please! I'm asking you so nicely," Crystal pouted, staring at her toddler who didn't want to sit in their car seat, "to get in the car seat." 

"No! Me no want to." The two year old replied, hugging her teddy bear like there was no tomorrow. Crystal sighed in frustration and slouched forward, her body and mind ready to give up.

"You're doing it all wrong." Blake scolded, walking out of the house with the baby bag around his shoulders. Crystal looked up with hope, knowing that Paige was a total daddy’s girl. Blake dropped the bag by Crystal’s feet and walked towards his daughter.

"She'll do it for daddy, I know she will." Blake cooed, scooping her up in his arms. The little devil giggled and hugged her dad as he carried her towards the car. 

Crystal had her eyes narrowed at the two but smiled as Blake glanced at her with a smirk. She rolled her eyes and opened the door as Blake placed their daughter into her car seat. He strapped her up and threw the baby bag on the empty seats before closing the door.

"Are you sure our roles didn't get swapped?" Crystal asked, her arms crossed over chest as she stood in front of her mate.

"If that did happen, you would be driving." Blake said, holding the keys out. Knowing just how much Crystal hated driving, he smirked and grabbed the keys back into his grasp before walking to the driver’s door. "Guess I’m still the dad, then."

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