One on One

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            We all kind of just sat there and took in everything Chase told us. From the beginning of the battle to the time he killed his mate. He didn't cry through any of it but everyone could tell, from his voice, just how heartbroken he is. 

"I sort of just stood there after I had cleaned her, and stared at her." he said. "It's funny because I don't feel guilty." 

"Chase, what you did-" I began, pausing as I didn't know how to carry on.

"Was very courageous and took a lot of guts." Blake finished. "Just know that your actions impacted us greatly and we're really grateful for that. So thank you."

"Why are you thanking me?" he said, looking up. His eyebrows were scrunched and he looked slightly angry. "How can you thank me for such a thing?!" He growled, slowly rising in his seat.

Feeling the urgency around us, everyone slowly raised up from their seats and tried to calm Chase down. 

"Calm down, dude, he was just saying that you did a good thing." Bruce said, putting a hand on Chases shoulder.

Chase shrugged it off and took a step back. He turned to Bruce and pointed a finger at him. 

"Good? You call this fu*king good?!" He growled, dropping his hand. 

"Calm down, Chase. You're taking this all the wrong way." Blake said, standing in front of me. "We only meant that you made the right choice. You knew what you had to and regardless of the situation, you did it." 

I felt terrible for Chase as I watched him. His jaw was clenched and he was looking at everyone’s face frantically - except mine of course. It was as though he was looking for something, something to say or something to yell at. He looked like a lost man. 

"I need some time alone." He finally said, pushing past everyone to get through the door. 

"Chase!" Bruce yelled.

"No, don't." Nate said, putting a hand on Bruce’s shoulder just as he was about to take a step. Nate shook his head at Bruce which made him sigh. 

I sat back down and put my head in my hands. Life right now could not be any harder, I thought, sighing at the end. Everyone was stressed and worried for Chase and it was piling up into the room. With nowhere to go, the piled up stress just flows right back into us. 

Bruce came and crouched down in front of me. I moved back to allow some distance between us but stopped when I saw the expression on his face. He looked the most worried out of everyone in this room. 

"Go talk to him," He said, nodding his head to the door. 

Confused, I raised an eyebrow. "Why me? You're his best friend. You would probably be able to get through to him better."

He gave out a humourless chuckle, "I was with him all that time before and the only thing he said to me was yes or no. I think he'll be more open to you." 

"But you don't think it's too soon?" London asked. We all turned to her with a questioning look, making her shrug. "You know, because of yours and Alphas relationship."

"She's right. I don't want him taking his anger out on you, Crystal." Blake said. I shook my head and stood up while turning to Blake. 

"Chase won't hurt me, I know him." I said before turning to Bruce. "Ok, I’ll do it." 

Bruce stood up and smiled. Sadly, the smile didn't reach his eyes as much as it used to. I nodded to him and started to walk away. 

"I'm coming with you." Blake said, following me. I turned around to show him my frown but he shook his head. "I'll stand outside. It's just a precaution."

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