Should've Brought My Phone...

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"Stop!" I tried yelling but there was no stopping it now.

Blake let out a loud growl before tackling Chase to the side. I let out a sigh that he didn't tackle him to the back because Bruce was still getting up.

I watched in horror as Blake straddled Chase and punched him repeatedly. Chase tried to block him but most punches hit his head. Suddenly Chase swapped their positions and he was punching Blake.

Bruce went and pulled Chases shoulder hard, making him fall to the floor. I thought that maybe i was the only one that could stop their fighting so before either of them could stand up, i went and stood in between them.

"Stop!" I repeated, putting my hands out. They got up and both were panting, glaring at the other.

"Move Crystal, this doesn't concern you." Blake growled, making me turn to him.

"Hell yeah it does! You come to my territory asking for help only to cause chaos here!" I growled, glaring at him. His lips were in a snarl as he stared at me.

"Look man, i said i'm sorry. Let's just continue the game." Bruce sounded sad which was a first. Then what he said replayed in my head and i scrunched my eyebrows together.

"Wait, you're sorry? But i thought- okay, so what exactly happened?" I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at all of the boys.

"Bruce high tackled Blake," Nate explained, making me nod. I know enough rugby to know what a high tackle is. "Blake hit his head hard and then started to growl at Bruce. Chase stepped in, Blake shoved Chase and you know the rest."

"You're such a whoos!" I yelled, rolling my eyes at Blake. "It's rugby! Of course things like that will happen."

"Yeah but i'm sure he did it purposely." Blake growled, glaring at Bruce.

"I didn't! I swear!" Bruce sounded irritated and i understood why. Bruce was telling the truth and Blake couldn't see that. But then again, knowing Blake, he would probably be trying to cause a fight.  

"You know what, game's over. Everyone pack up and go to your rooms." I thought i sounded like their mother but i didn't care. At times like this, i am their mother!

"Oh what!" Ty grumbled, followed by other groans from the others.

I nodded, "Yes because some of us can't handle the jandle." I turned around to walk to London but i found her missing and also Riley was gone. Man, she left me all alone! And i still have to finish off Bruces room. I groaned and ran into the house.

I have to be quick now! I ran into Bruces room and into his wardrobe but i chuckled when i saw London and Riley tying the last garbage bag up.

"Thanks so much guys," I gave them huge grins, showing them my appreciation. They looked up and nodded me.

London and i took a bad each while Riley took two. We put them in Londons room so the boys would least expect it. Once they were in, we picked out two outfits from Londons wardrobe and put them in separate bags. London took one and i took the other. Riley told us he would get the camera.

I walked up to Chases room and sighed in relief when i heard his shower on. Now, how would i do this? I have to somehow get his towel out of there and replace it with this bag. We already emptied out his wardrobe so he would have no choice but to wear these clothes or to go out naked.

I chuckled and made my way to his bathroom. I opened the door slowly and walked in. The glass was fogged up so he wouldn't be able to see me and i won't be able to see him. I creeped in and mentally cursed. He was one of those people that throw their towels over the shower door.

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