His Warm Embrace

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"Yes, yes I will."

His voice repeated a thousand times in my head and I wanted nothing more than to slap him. To think that he would betray us; his pack, his family, for her?

"Chase, what are you doing?" Bruce growled, shaking a lot. Chase ignored him and continued to walk up the porch steps.

The rogues were all smirking, some of them having the nerve to snicker. I looked up at Holly and noticed how she had a slight glint in her eyes. She looked proud which made me angry.

I wanted to so badly to shift but it was seen as un courteous for women to shift while men were around. I wanted to shift and ask Chase if he was being serious right now or was he just messing with us.

He finally reached the top of the steps where Holly stood. It hurt me to see him wrap his arms around her waist before kissing her. I looked away, unable to watch.

"Chase, you better be fu*king joking." Bruce growled. I heard Chase snicker so I turned my attention back to him. He stood beside Holly while his arm remained wrapped around her waist.

"Can you guys believe it?" He yelled, looking at all of us. "The fates have blessed me with another mate! You've got to have real dry humor if you think i'm going to give her up." 

I barked, unable to hold it back. I was hurt, my heart getting betrayed by yet another person. My wolf was whimpering in my mind but she was half growling at me. We should've gone back to Blake when we had the chance, she told me. 

"I will follow my mate. If Blakes pack is what she wants then Blakes pack is what she will get." He said. There were growls amongst our warriors, no doubt people from Blake's pack. I growled with them. 

"How can you do this, Chase?" Ty yelled, taking a step forward. "We're your pack man; your family. Not that slut claiming to be your mate." 

"DON'T talk about Holly like that!" Chase growled, his hands balling into fists. Holly put her hand on his chest, noticibly calming him down.

"Well what about us then? What about Crystal?" Bruce yelled, gesturing to me. I put my ears down and looked up at Chase. He didn't even bother to look at me. He smirked and shrugged.

"You're all still my pack and since I am your Alpha, you must follow my command. Holly is now your Luna so you must respect her as you did to my mother." He said.

"Some Alpha," Bruce muttered beside me. I didn't know Chase had heard it until he growled. 

"Bruce, i am still your Alpha so you must show me the same respect you showed me yesterday," Chase growled, glaring at Bruce. I felt as though this was a whole new person. To think Chase would say such a thing to his best friend! 

"You're not our Alpha," Bruce said, "You abandoned that title as soon as you started walking up those steps. We came here for Alpha Blake and if you're going to get in our way, then i'm sorry but you're going to have to die with these disgusting rouges." 

I couldn't stop the whimper that my wolf emitted. The thought of killing Chase, even for such a reason, saddened me and i wanted to just have a minute alone to talk to him, to reason out with him. 

I barked, hoping that someone would understand me. They all looked at me, except for Chase who averted his eyes at all costs.

"Can someone get her a some clothes? Crystal should have a say too." Sam yelled, looking around the crowd. I was suprised when about five people handed me their clothes. I grabbed a random shirt and shorts in my mouth before running behind a nearby tree. 

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