Full Of Energy!

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I screamed when i felt movement next to me. Who the fu*k is next to me?! I shot out of bed and grabbed my pillow before slamming it against the intrudor, hoping he would choke on the feathers that were flying out. 

"Stop it!" Bruce yelled and i heard laughter. I dropped my pillow and glared at him as Chace cleared his throat. Bruce glared at me before standing up and straightening out his clothing.

"Never, do that again." He stated, pointing to the pillow. I rolled my eyes before standing up and straightening my own clothing out.

"Anywho, sponge bath?" Chace asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No! I'm going!" I groaned, running to the bathroom. I locked the door and sighed before stripping and jumping into the water. I decided to wash my hair so i did.

Chace and Bruce make me forget about Blake which i am really grateful for. It still hurts when i remember him but i push back the feelings and think of happy thoughts. Like a rainbow. I smiled at my childish behaviors before rinsing and then wiping down.

Once i was dry and had the towel securely wrapped around myself, i walked into the room and was suprised to find it empty. I shrugged it off and walked to the wardrobe before throwing on dark blue college trackies, a white loose tee with a blue Addidas logo in the middle with my black high tops. Awesome! My new favourite outfit! I brushed my hair out and pinned the font to the side before walking out and slipping my phone in my pocket.

As if on cue, the boys walked in looking as clean as ever. Bruce was wearing low slung black skinny/baggy jeans with a grey Nike paul sweater and his usual grey Puma high tops. Chace had grey skinny/baggy jeans with a black hoodie and black Puma high tops. They looked good.

"Where are you guys going today?" I asked, walking past them.

"We are all going out." Bruce yelled excitedly, making me frown.

"I'm not going anywhere." I stated, still not in the mood to do anything.

"Yes you are. I will put you in a suitcase if i have to." Chace said sternly, leaving no room for argument. I sighed before nodding and walking into the kitchen, the boys behind me.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Bruce asked from behind the fridge door.

"Uhm, i'm not hungry thanks." I said, sitting down on the stool. Chace sat next to me and i turned to see him shaking his head.

"She's starving Bruce, get her eggs, bacon and a-" I cut him off.

"I'll just eat an apple!" I yelled, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl and taking a bite out of it. Bruce chuckled while Chace looked satisfied. I still heard my wolf whimpering inside of me and it felt wrong doing all of these things but i just shrugged it off and focused on the present.

"I'm gonna pop some tags! Only got twenty dollars in ma pocket!" Bruce sang loudly, getting the frypan from under the sink. I rolled my eyes and smiled a little at him. "I'm looki-" He was cut off by my phone ringing. I was confused and looked at the name on the screen.


I groaned and gave the phone to Chace who glared at it, as though it would turn off. However, it didn't stop ringing and when it got too much, Bruce grabbed the phone off of Chace and answered it before putting it to his ear.

"What?!" He whisper yelled and i raised an eyebrow. What did he have in mind? I focused my ears to what Blake was saying.

"Where's Crystal?" He asked, a little growl to his voice.

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