The Rugby Game

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After dinner, (and Blakes PMS), the boys and I decided to watch a movie and yes, we invited Blake and my brothers. All of them felt the need to protect me and hide me from Blake which was funny.

Even Ty did it!

We were in the games room. I sat cross legged in the middle of the love seat while Bruce had his head on my lap and legs dangling off the side. Sam sat on my other side, a bit squashed but he didn't mind. Nate was lying on his stomach, head propped up on his hands, right below my feet. Ty was on one of the lazy boys, he had shifted it a bit closer to me while Blake sat on the other in the same place. Chase didn't want to watch so he wasn't here.

I could tell Blake didn't approve of the seating arrangement but I didn't really care. As long as my brothers didn't mind (which they didn't), I was happy.

"That was a good movie," Nate commented, getting up from the ground to sit cross legged, leaning back on his hands. I nodded and let Bruce sit up to a normal sitting position.

"What do you guys want to do now? It's only," Bruce checked his phone, "8."

I shrugged, "Your call,"

"Monopoly?" Nate suggested, making me and Ty groan.

"Hell no!" Ty grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I agree with Ty," I mumbled, smiling at Ty who looked pleased. I had nothing against Monoply, trust me! I actually loved the game. But it's a bit too childish now and i don't want to stay up all night trying to defeat my brothers.

"Then i guess it's nap time!" Bruce stated, making all of us, including Blake, groan. It just seems too early to go to sleep.

"How about last card?" I suggested, making them consider it and then slowly nod.

"Fine but lets spice it up a bit. Last card torture," Bruce had an evil glint in his eyes, making me think that this isn't a good idea. But that same glint also lit up excitment inside of me and i had this feeling that something exciting would happen.

"Sounds good to me! Where's the cards?" Ty questioned, standing up immediatly. I made a mental note not to be the last one with him being the winner.

I turned to see what Blake was doing and i can confirm that he wasn't too happy with this idea. His eyebrows were scrunched together, as though he were in deep thought and his eyes were looking around the room but they were unfocused.


We had played for a while now. We pushed all the sofas away and gathered into a large circle. Bruce had lost to Nate and he had gotten his hand pinched, causing and pink mark to appear on his skin. Sam had lost to Ty and the back of his hand is most likely to be bruised tomorrow from how hard Ty had raked it 3 times! And Ty had lost to Bruce where Bruce slapped the back of Tys hand, pinched it twice and raked it but he seemed unphased.

It was just Ty and Blake left and i was hoping Ty could win so i wouldn't have to get tortured by Blake who was the first to get rid of all his cards.

"Last card!" Ty yelled, slamming his 8 of diamonds onto the pile. Blake threw on a 5 of diamonds, probably hoping Ty had no blocks and would have to pick up but his smile only widened. "I won!" Ty screamed, throwing a joker onto the pile. I widened my eyes and looked at the cards properly.

Damn, he did. I looked up and met Blakes worried eyes. They were so bright, much more brighter than the last time i saw him. The edges of his lips slowly lifted up and he gave me a weak smile, as though telling me something but i couldn't put my finger on it. I knew he was trying to tell me something but i just couldn't seem to get it.

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