Port Mafia... No?

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F/ c = favourite colour
Y/ n pov

I woke up. Damn it. Looking over to the clock '9:23' really...? I asked my self. I had fallen asleep around 6am.

Suddenly my brain clicked. I dont have a clock... I jumped up and opened the door. I was inside a massive building. I stood in my penguin pj's in the middle of a empty dim hallway.

"oh, your awake. Um... What are you wearing...?" a ginger head with a fodra hat said looing at me.

It was the guy from yesterday at the wedding. Chuuya nakahara

" 1st where are am I, 2nd what is this place, 3rd who are you?" I asked. And finally I took in a big breathe.

" to answer your ques-"" MY CLOTHING STYLE IS BADAS$! " I cut him of. The prue look of confusion was probly the highlight of my morning.

" I um... I'm chuuya Nakahara, this is the port mafia... " he said it like he was asking me if he was right.

" for the Tainted sorrow" I said in a whisper, but loud enough he heard.

He's eyes widen, that b!tch gonna wanna stop with they eyes befor the hit him.

" uh.. Anyway, there's a change of clothes in the closet, could you... Put them on? Mori wants to talk to you" he said, finally pulling him slef to the ground.

"sure" I responded. I went into the room and shut the door. I put on the clothes.

( it's chuuya outfit with out the hat and long coat, in a darker colour and f/c where's there's orange, if your f/ c is orange then it's purple, or another colour )

I should keep my eyes open. Mori could know something I don't. I have to see this through, to the end.

Plus if I get to meet a certain dark beauty, I wouldnt complain. Gin is beautiful, and her brother Atugawa I guess...

I walked out and strayed walking on my own. " HEY!" chuuya yelled annoyed. " DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHERE YOUR GOING!" He yelled out

Ignored. I wasn't gonna respond.

5 minutes later

Chuuya was now waking beside me, I could see the massive door to mori office.

I wonder, when are we? What part of the story are we on... Atsushi is in the ADA, so it's past at least the first few episodes.

" Chuuya... Have you seen Dazia since he left?" I asked
I had to see something.

He was stund by the question, I just looked at him curiously.

Oh god these pant are tight, my chest is being pulled in a lot, this is so uncomfortable!! Why couldn't I have woren someone else style...

" no" he said trying to show no emotion. So it's between saving koyku from the ship ep and meeting the guild, great...

I could see him trying to work out how I knew about Dazia. He might want to be careful, I'm pretty sure he has like 2 brain cells...

We reached the door and knocked on it.

" enter" was heard after I knocked. I walked in, I could feel chuuya staring from the door. He was standing I front of the closed door.

Try hard much... But he is cuteee, just saying.

I could only imagine the thoughts running through his mind.

"hello Darling, I'm so glad your here" a cheerful tone from a man that sat in the darkness, the only light from the window only slightly caught him.

"hello, okay.. So, not to sound rude... Butttt... WHAT THE HELL!" I shouted the last part.

I relaxed my shoulders and suppressed my other emotions. I was going to be let my Dazia kinnie mood swings get me what I want.

All I want is the answer...

Right? That's all.

" I understand you may be scared or confu-" I cut him off "don't assume how I feel its a waste of time and useless" I said it with a stone face.

He looked shocked and then happy...? Okay, anywaysss..

Should I ask about the book with my name, with the last part crossed out and replaced with... You know what forget about that....

"I'm not gonna sugar code this, join the port mafia or die." was that a request or threat, stupid question it was an order...

"why..? Why have me join, I'm no uses to you... Or anyone for that matter... I couldn't care less dead or alive" the Dazia kinnie in me just wants answers... I think...

" good questions... The answer is simple your mind... It overthinks alot... Doesn't it?" he said, he's trying to get a reaction.

I'll give him a reaction the day my socks turn into a ranibow. My socks are safe right??? They were my favourite!! I can't loose them!!!!

" what is you gain? "I'm a burn out kid, just like, well, every one here. Before he answered I realised, this is the best way to help atsushi(little sushi!!!!) and get information.

Plus Dazia, atsushi may be to the protagonist, but Dazia be the main character.

" I'll join, but I'm chuuya's partner, I chose what I were, with some restrictions, I will look some what professional, and I don't gotta do much physical movement" I said

If I have to run more than 5 steps I'm doomed. I have never liked pe, or people, or ducks! Those things are pure evil!

He smiled creepily "okay deal" he said.

Chuuya stayed silent the whole time, he was told to take me to my room, the room I was in when I woke up.

On the way out he finally spoke "were partners now, that's good, you perfer not to move much, that works well for me, plus your cute" he said he was a bit cocky in his tone...

I want goona let that last...
"your cute to, by the way when do i meet Gin she's seems so cool" I said tilting my head, staring at him.

He sighed, " your really unusual, but I like that" he said. We arrived at the door, well I shall see you later, my dear... " he kissed my cheek and walked off.

Damn that was smooth, annoyingly smooth, but it was... Sweet... I guess.. My cheeks whent red...

Hello! Its the author! I hope you enjoy this chapter!!

Have a good day!

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