Screw It!! Chapter 8

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Y/n pov

It was a warm day, birds chirping, a calm breeze moving the trees calmly.

A strong headed ginger walked down the hallway lit with light. Approaching the carved wooden door.

" F!CK YOU TOO!!" A (H/C) hair y/n yelled to their bed they had just fell off of.

Out of panic chuuya busters in panting. " ARE YOU OKAY IDOIT!!" He yelled.

"first. IDOIT!!! YOUR THE IDOIT! And secondly good morning to you too." I said rubbing my head

Is it bad when you can taste purple!? Nah.... Well,.... Nah I'm good.

" Okay, whatever so um, today we have a mission. And it kinda involved the, um... Armed detective agency" chuuya said sounding annoyed.

" cool! I get to see those guys again" I said not realising what is was I said out loud

" nope!! You will stay in the car!" chuuya said, what a parent :D

" chuuya, you really trust me to be alone in car?" I asked standing up with a 'innocent' smile.

He looked scared, absolutely terrifyed, was it that bad!!!!!

Um ouch man.

"actually I'll go sock shopping! All the moving around is tearing my fluffy socks!!" I said with a determination!!!

" yeah, okay, have fun" blunt a$shole much, what kind of responds was that!!!

1 hour later

I was at clothes shop. Slowly looking through the socks. Do I want fluffy green socks with dinosaur on? Or, purple fluffy sock with flowers?

So hard to decide!!! damn it!! Why does this always happen to me!

*boom* one day, one day is all I ask without explosion. I like them, butttttt.... I don't want to do work on a day off!!!

Screaming started, damn it I got to go deal with it. Geez....

I walk outside to see yasino, ranpo and kenji fighting,um... I don't have a clue who that is.

I slowly walked away, cuz I'm not involved until....

The guy they were fighting yelled. " YOU!! YOU FROM THE PORT MAFIA!! MY BOSS HAS A MESSAGE MEET HIM AT 3PM BY THE OLD WELL" duck.... Yes duck not f*ck, duck.

I just ran off, there was to big a crowd for anyone to know who they were yelling at.

Who is their boss tho. Damit. It's 3 hours till 3pm. While tying to think, my phone rang.

" hey chuuya what's up?" I ask picking up.

" it's 12, so go to the snail village cafe, and eat."

I smiled softly. "okay, thanks" I have an issue to forget to eat, I get distracted so easily my mind wonders.

Chuuya noticed this and started to remind.

Uh.... What was he telling me, I forgot.

"uhh..." " you just forgot, didn't you"

I'm ashamed, I've felt such stupidity( eh) I'm a failure.

"food" chuuya spoke with a bit of laughter " right!! Thanks, bye!"

"bye" the call ended.

Walking to the cafe, I thought screw it, let's meet this guy.

Should I let someone from the port mafia know!!?


I never got new socks. Duck!!! I put my head on the table. This is a disaster, how did this happen!!!!!!!? I failed, im a failure, wait I already knew that!!! Haha I'm a master mind... A stupid master mind.

I finshed eating and left.
I slowly walked through the crowded streets, the adult, the kids, the teens. All talking.

Human life is fragile. Its doesn't have a meaning, if you asked someone the meaning of life.

They would probly respond. ' to live a long time, and build a life' or ' to find true love' or even 'to continue the circle of life'

But if you asked me, I'm wouldn't know. But I guess I can think of a word. Life means to survive...

Everyone lives to nicely, with the beauty of lies. How beautifully terrible.

I was walking along to a sock shop!!!! Yay!! Victory!!! Haha hahaha hahaha!!

I went in and saw tons of different socks! It's was like heaven!!! But with socks. Can you belive it! What a sight to behold!!

I heard my phone ring, again.
Unkown caller ID.

Ooooo spooky, pfft, basic much.

" hello" I picked up and spoke.

"don't forget 3pm"

" nahhh socks" I hung up with that. So long d!ck.

Seriously calling again, so cliché!

" if you want to know about the diary with your name on, you will come"

I gulped, so this is were the story starts...

" I-"


I hope you enjoyed the Chapter!!

Thank you for all the comments!! I really enjoyed them so thanks you!!!

And hello to my new follower!

Have a good day /evening  :D

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