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Michelle Peters just turned 18 when her sister was sent to a boarding school in Switzerland. Bloom and Michelle had always been incredibly close, even with the two-year age difference between the girls. Bloom was always a bit of a loner, while Michelle had a lot of friends. They couldn't be more different. That however never stopped Michelle from inviting her little sister along or opting to stay home so they could watch reruns of their favorite shows.

Every time their mom would criticize Bloom over not socializing enough, Michelle stood up for her. When Bloom got sad, Michelle would drag her sister to her car and drive them to McDonald's. She would let Bloom complain about their mom the entire way and comfort her by buying the younger girl chicken nuggets. There was nothing that couldn't be fixed by eating chicken nuggets. If Bloom would have to describe Michelle, she would say that she was the best sister a girl could wish for.

When Bloom went off to the boarding school in Switzerland Michelle was sad. She knew it would probably be best for her seeing how anxious the girl was after the fire but she really would miss her. After the fire, Bloom shut everyone out. Everyone, except her older sister. Seeing her younger sister go through that much pain, she didn't protest the boarding school-idea. She even offered to go with her but that wasn't allowed. Her parents did not want to lose both of their children.

Bloom was sad to say goodbye to her older sister and felt bad for keeping everything a secret from her. But that didn't stop them from texting and FaceTiming all the time. The evening Bloom found out she was a changeling and went home with the help of Stella's ring she didn't mean to run into Michelle. How the hell was she going to explain that she was here while they FaceTimed right before the get-together from supposed Switzerland?

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

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