Chapter 16

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Arriving back at their room at Alfea Michelle sat the guys down on the bed and told them "I'm sorry for leaving you without telling you. I know you would be freaking out and I should have told you." "It's alright, love. We know how much Danny means to you and nothing bad happened but please don't ever do that again. I swear my heart stopped when I couldn't hear you anymore." "I'm sorry Sky. I'll try not to do it again." "It's alright, princess. Now come here and give us a hug" and she did.

"Can you please sleep in the same bed as me again tonight?" "Of course, love" "we'd be happy to, princess" "god what did I do to deserve this? You look like you just walked out of a fashion magazine and you are just so incredibly sweet and I'm starting to have feelings for you that I shouldn't have this soon and I don't know what to do"

She was accepting them! "Calm down, princess. Your feelings are heightened because you are close to accepting us as your mates. That means the soulmate bond will affect you too." Seeing him look at her with such an adoring smile she melted. It was the last thing she needed to be sure that she wanted to accept them.

"I accept you as my mates" she said quietly. "What?" "What did you say, love?" Checking to see if they heard her alright. "God, you're really making me say this out loud, aren't you? I said: I accept you as my mates"

They tackled her in a hug at the same time. "Princess, are you serious? There is no going back after this." Riven asked to be sure. "Riv's right, love. You need to be really sure. The first few weeks as accepted mates are pretty clingy and it also means we will never let you go." "I'm sure. Stella talked to me about it on the way to California so I'm aware of the consequences of me accepting this and I still want to do it."

That's all they needed to hear. Michelle felt as if a weight had fallen off her shoulders and her heart had opened up to the two boys in front of her. Kissing Sky first and then Riven, things got heated pretty quick. Stella had told her about the complete mating process and Michelle was ready. She knew it was quick but it felt right and they were soulmates after all so what was there to lose?

Clothes were torn and hickeys were made. All you need to know is that none of them got a lot of sleep that night.

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