Chapter 10

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The piggy back ride wasn't that bad and they were being really sweet to her. After seeing professor Harvey, Michelle was back to walking. Unfortunately for Sky and Riven, it meant that neither had a proper excuse to hold her anymore. Walking towards Dowling's office, the three were stopped by Alex, a first year specialist with a big ego.

"Whew, where did you find that hottie?" He yelled at the two boys. Not a smart move on his side, at all. Riven and Sky immediately stopped in their tracks making Michelle stop as well. "Better shut up, mate, before you regret it." Riven yelled back. "Maybe she would rather hang out with me instead of you two." Alex retorted. Hearing the commotion, Dowling and Silva quickly stepped out of Dowling's office and rushed to the field where the four were.

"Mr. Blake, I suggest you continue your training." "Oh do you need your daddy to fight your battles for you?" And that was all it took for Sky to pounce on the younger boy. Silva screamed for Dowling and Dane to hold Riven back from joining in on the action while trying to get Sky off the boy. But Sky wasn't planning on letting the boy walk away that easily.

Michelle on the other hand was completely freaking. Sky was beating the shit out of that kid. Rushing over to Sky, Silva told Michelle to stay back before she got hurt. Not listening to him, she gently put her hand on Sky's raised fist "Sky, please, it's not worth it. I don't want to hang out with him. I want to hang out with you and Riven, okay? Please." she said a little scared.

Feeling her hand on his and hearing her words, Sky quickly calmed down. He let Silva pull him off the boy and went over to his mate, who was still in shock because of what just happened. "I'm sorry, love" he said while hugging her and burying his face into her neck. Letting herself lean into him, she told him it was alright. Pulling away from the hug, Sky wrapped his arm around her waist, while walking over to Riven who had calmed down as well because of the slight fear in her voice when she talked to Sky.

Meeting them in the middle, Riven asked Sky if he was alright. Sky squeezed Michelle a little bit tighter into his side, before admitting that he was now. Referring to him being allowed to touch the girl. Michelle blushed a bit at that and avoided eye contact with both of them. Riven quickly wrapped his arm around the girl's shoulder before she could protest and the three of them continued on their way to Dowling's office.

Both boys felt that the girl was slowly warming up to them, seeing as she was letting them hold her without there really being a reason and they couldn't be more excited about that.

Making their way to Dowling's office without any further interruptions, the trio took a seat on the couch. Michelle, of course, in the middle of the two while still being tucked under Riven's arm. Sky had opted to put a hand on her leg so she could grab it if she wanted. And he really hoped she would.

"Ms. Peters, I trust Sky and Riven are taking good care of you?" "Yes, ms. Dowling they have. I'm still not completely happy with not being able to leave, but they have been nothing but kind to me." Michelle said while unconsciously grabbing Sky's hand. He quickly intertwined their fingers and stroked her hand in reassurance. "I can understand that ms. Peters. I am sure that as soon as it is possible, the boys will take you to visit Gardenia. For now, I wanted to let you know that I have asked Bloom to tell your parents you are here with her and will be finishing the school year with her. Luckily, your parents believed that and will sent your stuff to Alfea before the end of the week." Surprised by how easily her parents agreed to that, she was convinced magic had to have been used to make them a bit more agreeable than usual, but it would do for now. She just hoped she could see them soon and introduce them to Sky and Riven.

Wait. Did she really just think that? Quickly shaking that thought out of her head she asked if there was anything else that needed to be discussed but other than class arrangements ithat was it.

It was decided that, starting tomorrow, Michelle would join the boys during their regular lessons since she was in the same grade as them and would go with them to watch their specialist training if they had any at the same time.

Seeing as it was lunch time and none of them had had anything to eat, they went to the main hall for some lunch. Seeing her little sister with her friends, she asked the two specialists if they could join them for lunch. Not wanting to deny their mate anything, they quickly agreed and told her to go ahead and go sit with them while they would get her and them something to eat. "Just please stay in our sight, princess." Riven pleaded. "I will, Riv, thank you" She said while giving him a quick hug.

Quickly skipping over to her little sister, she sat down next to her. "Hey, B, thanks for the clothing." Feeling excited to see her sister up and running again, Bloom tackled her into a hug. "I'm so sorry about all of this, M." "Don't worry, B. Sky and Riven have been nothing but kind to me. I admit, it's all a bit strange, but I think I'm kind of starting to fall for them." Coming up behind their mate and hearing her say that made them feel like they were on cloud 9. She was starting to fall for them. Finally.

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