Chapter 23

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The next day, after a long goodbye with Riven, Michelle and Sky were walking towards the rock circle to show their support for Bloom. Said girl was happy to see her sister there and really hoped she would be able to help her with her magic.

"Ah, Sky, Michelle. To what do I owe this pleasure?" Farah asked as soon as she spotted the two. "Well, Bloom told me she was struggling with her magic, so I thought I would come here to hopefully give her some moral support." "And Sky?" "You don't think I'm leaving her here alone, do you?" Sky asked Farah almost offended. "Of course. Specialists." Farah mumbled the last word jokingly annoyed while shooting Michelle a small wink. "You can take a seat over there." Farah told the pair, pointing towards one of the benches in the back.

"You know, love, I could do something else on this bench with you if you'd let me" Sky said, pulling Michelle on his lap while softly biting her earlobe. "Sky!" Michelle said, turning red and quickly getting of his lap before softly slapping him, making him laugh loudly. "Maybe some other time then" he cheekily said before shooting her a wink.

Michelle and Sky kept quietly flirting with each other during the entire class which made Farah smile softly at the pair. She was really glad that the specialists had found their mate and also that their mate was being so understanding even though it took a bit of time.

Finally it was Bloom's turn. Michelle was a bit nervous for her little sister, so she took Sky's hand and squeezed it to ease her nerves. "She'll be fine" Sky reassured her, taking his hand out of hers and pulling her closer towards him before kissing her on top of her head. And Sky was right. With her sister there, a lot of worries faded away which made her access her magic and show it at the rock circle. After Bloom did that, she turned towards her sister with excitement and jumped on her to pull her in a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I could have never done this without you" she whispered in her older sister's ear. "No need to thank me, B. It was all you. I'm proud of you." Michelle said, squeezing her little sister tightly.

After Bloom went, the class was over so the sisters broke free from their hug, said their goodbyes as they didn't have the class next and went their own ways. Michelle and Sky were walking hand-in-hand towards their next class when they spotted Riven. "Hey princess, how was the class?" He asked as soon as he was in earshot. "It was good. But I missed you" she told him sincerely before letting go of Sky's hand and walking into his arms for a nice, warm, long hug.

"I missed you too, princess."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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