Chapter 6

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Arriving back at Alfea, Michelle was still in a deep sleep. The boys didn't want her to walk with her busted ankle and they knew she wouldn't let one of them carry her while she was awake, so they agreed that Riven would carefully carry her inside while she was still asleep. Feeling his mate cuddling into his chest when he picked her up was the best feeling in the world. He gently sat her down where Sky sat on the couch in Dowling's office. She immediately leaned on histhe blonde prince's shoulder again and he didn't mind at all. He wrapped his arm around her so she would be comfortable and warm.

Unfortunately, they had to wake her up. "Princess, you have to wake up." Michelle didn't recognize the voice that told her to wake up and snuggled more into her pillow. "I don't think she want to, Riv" her pillow said. Wait, pillows don't talk. Michelle slowly opened her eyes and looked around to see that she was sat on the couch with the two guys that saved her from the creepy creature. The brunette was sat in front of her while she was wrapped in the blonde's arms.

Quickly shaking the blonde's arm off her shoulder and standing up she almost fell down again if the brunette hadn't caught her. "Careful, princess. That ankle is busted up pretty bad. It's best if you didn't put any weight on it at all." She saw the worried glance from the blonde guy and wondered why they cared so much. They didn't even know each other. Setting her down on the couch again, Michelle slightly scooted away from the both of them.

"Right, well, thanks I guess for not letting me fall. I'm Michelle by the way." Michelle. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl both boys thought. "Nice to meet you, princess. I'm Riven" "And I'm Sky. If you want, I can get someone to take another look at your ankle, love." Again with the nicknames. Do they do this to every girl?

"Thanks for helping me and all but I'm not your princess or your love" After she said those words she immediately wanted to take them back. They looked so incredibly hurt by her words and Michelle really didn't understand why. Luckily professor Harvey decided to come in at that point asking if he could look at her ankle again and making sure the Burned One hadn't hurt her anywhere else.

Riven went on to sit next to her on the other side of the couch. She was now between the boys again but they were keeping their distance because of her words. They knew she didn't know she was their princess and their love yet, but that didn't make it hurt any less.

After concluding she wasn't hurt anywhere else, professor Harvey gently took her ankle in his hand. This made Michelle take in a sharp breath and out of reflex she put her hands on both boys' hands. Both boys immediately went into action and squeezed her hand gently while professor Harvey continued his examination of her ankle. Deciding it would be best to wrap it up he told the three he would be right back.

Now noticing both boys held her hand, Michelle quickly turned red. Awkwardly taking her hands out of theirs she apologized for just grabbing on to them. "Don't worry, if it helps you, you can hold our hands" princess. Riven decided that he would call her princess again after they told her she was their mate to avoid her snapping at them again. Professor Harvey returned to the room with his medical supplies and went to work on wrapping up Michelle's ankle. Seeing her hands twitch, Riven and Sky shared a look and grabbed her hands at the same time. Seeing as she was in pain and they were offering her some comfort, she let them not noticing their slight smiles at her action.

When professor Harvey was finally done with wrapping up the girl's ankle, the four of them heard the rest of the group slowly arrive at Dowling's office. "Bloom, think this through. You can't just storm in there." "Or what, Aisha? You're going to rat me out to Dowling and Silva again?"

Hearing the commotion outside the office Michelle quickly pulled her hands from Sky's and Riven's and limped over to where her younger sister was. "Woah, B, calm down. What's going on?" Michelle said while standing between the two roommates.

Bloom had never felt more betrayed than in that moment. Sure, Sky and Riven saved her sister but she was sure she and the girls could have handled the Burned One themselves and help Michelle back to Gardenia if Aisha hadn't told them they left. Aisha only meant well: you shouldn't mess with a soulmate relationship. Especially not with one with such protective specialists. That's why she told them where they went.

Receiving no answer from either girl, Michelle tried again "B, talk to me. Why are you so angry?" Headmistress Dowling quickly interrupted before Bloom could say the wrong things. "Ms. Peters, I think we have a lot to talk about. Would you join me back in my office?" Michelle looked at her little sister who looked so incredibly broken and remembered what she told her that made her climb out that window. "As soon as they walk through that door they won't let you go" Not knowing the exact reason why they wouldn't let her go, Michelle didn't want to take the risk. "I'd rather not, ms. Dowling. I would like to go home."

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