Chapter 20

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"Stella, can I get some help?" Michelle asked the blonde that was helping her get ready for her date with her soulmates. She was currently struggling with zipping up her dress and instead of helping the struggling girl, Stella decided to look at her struggling in amusement.

"I think you almost got it" She laughed. "Fuck you" Michelle said. "I'll leave that to Sky and Riven" Stella innocently said, making the shorter girl groan. Luckily, Stella decided her struggle had been enough and helped the girl zip up her dress just in time for the knock that sounded on the door of the Winx suite.

"Wow, you look amazing" Sky told her. "You are so incredibly beautiful" Riven added. They were making her blush, again. "You two don't look too bad yourselves" the girl said, admiring how they looked in their suits.

The boys had decided to take her out on a fancy dinner in Magix and left her with Stella to get ready. "We missed you though" Sky said, pulling her closer for a kiss. "I missed you to" she replied before pulling away and ending up in Riven's embrace. "Next time you're getting ready in our room, princess" Riven told her. "We all know there wouldn't be much getting ready" she pointed out before turning towards Stella and giving her a short hug. "Thank you for helping me get ready" "Anytime"

"Shall we?" Sky asked her, holding out his arm for her. "We shall" she confirmed, linking her arms with his and Riven's.

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