Chapter 11

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After lunch, the guys went on to show their girl around campus. Walking around campus, Michelle suddenly noticed a girl staring at Sky and Riven. It made her feel jealous and she didn't like it one bit. Trying to ignore it, she started to walk a bit faster.

"Princess, is everything alright?" Riven asked her. Looking at the girl that was slowly checking out her guys Michelle had no idea what came over her. But she kissed Riven. Hard. Riven was surprised but kissed her back immediately. Pulling back from the kiss Michelle looked back at the girl. Michelle noticed that the girl was now solely focused on Sky, so she did the only thing she could think of. She kissed Sky as well. Of course he also immediately kissed her back. Pulling back from him, Michelle noticed the girl was gone.

Satisfied with her actions, she turned back towards the guys. "Not that I minded at all, princess, but what happened that made you kiss us?" "Hmm, Riv, didn't you feel the jealousy coming from our girl when Ashley was looking at us?" "Ah you're right, mate. Princess, I think I still see her" Riven said while walking towards her, putting his hands on his girls' waist and kissing her passionately. It was good he was holding her against him so tightly, because Michelle could feel herself melt into the kiss. Pulling back after a while, she looked into Riven's eyes and smiled shyly at him. "I think Sky's feeling a bit left out, princess" Looking at the taller boy, Michelle quickly turned to him. "Are you now?" She asked him while batting her eyelashes. Quickly pulling her against him, Sky's lips captured her own and once again she was thankful for the tight grip on her.

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