Chapter 4

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After helping the girl get back to Alfea without putting too much weight on her ankle, Musa and Terra dropped her off at headmistress Dowling's office. "Thanks for helping me. I'm Michelle by the way." Michelle said when they helped her sit on the couch. "It was no problem. I'm Terra Harvey. My dad's on his way here to check over your ankle" Terra said smiling at the older girl.

Dowling's office was getting crowded with Aisha, Musa, Terra, Bloom, Dowling, Silva, Riven and Sky there. Ms. Dowling decided that it was best to let professor Harvey check out the girl's ankle without anyone present so he could earn her trust a bit and suggested they would all wait in the hall while professor Harvey checked over Michelle. Sky and Riven already opened their mouth to disagree, but one look from Dowling made them shut up. She didn't know yet, they had to remember that for now. Just a little longer and she would know everything and they could treat her as their mate.

Bloom was also feeling really uncomfortable about leaving her sister on her own but Musa told her she had to tell her something and Terra reassured her that Michelle would be in good hands with her father so she turned to go back to the hall but not before making Dowling promise to call her as soon as professor Harvey was done with checking her over. "I assure you, Bloom, you will be the first to know when professor Harvey is done." With that Bloom left to go with Musa and the rest of the girls to the main hall.

Sky and Riven decided to stay in the hallway in case their mate would need them. At least they would be within screaming distance. Even though Silva didn't fully agree, he let them patrol the hallway outside of Dowling's office. They wouldn't hurt anyone by doing that so it was alright. He did decide to stay with them along with Dowling in case something happened and the boys lost control. Newly found soulmates were, after all, incredibly explosive if something or someone would threaten their mate.

"What did you want to talk about, Musa?" Bloom asked when they were out of earshot. "Your sister is Sky and Riven's soulmate" Musa blurted out. All three girls quickly turned to the mind fairy. "What? What does that even mean?" "She's both of their mate?" "Oh my God" The three girls said at the same time. Bloom hadn't learned a lot about Otherworld soulmates yet but what she had learned didn't sound very promising for her sister.

"How can she be mated to both of them?" Aisha asked. "I have heard about that before. It's extremely rare but two people that are incredibly protective sometimes get one soulmate so one of them can be with their mate at all times to protect them from danger. It helps keeping their strong personalities calm." Terra explained. Bloom couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her sister was mated to two of the best specialists and they wouldn't let her leave their sights. This could not be happening. Why did she have to go back to Gardenia?

"Is there anything we can do to help her?" "Help her? They are meant for each other, Bloom" Aisha protested. "My sister is human, Aisha. I can't be the reason she can never leave this place and gets assigned two bodyguards to love. She belongs in Gardenia." Bloom responded. Aisha wasn't convinced. If something was sacred, it was definitely the soulmate bond. They couldn't interfere with that. Terra and Musa however understood where Bloom was coming from. As did Stella who heard the conversation the girls had. Seeing as she was the one that send Bloom through that portal to Gardenia, she technically was also at fault for her sister now being here. Even though she was good friends with Sky, she knew how protective and possessive he could be and didn't want the girl to not have a choice about who she wants to be with.

Knowing Riven and Sky hadn't followed them towards the main hall, they had to be in the hallway outside of Dowling's office so going straight through there wouldn't be an option. They had to hurry as well because as soon as professor Harvey would be done with checking her over he would go get the four of them and Bloom wasn't sure anymore that ms. Dowling was telling the truth about her being the first to know when professor Harvey was done.

The four girls had quickly formed a plan because Aisha decided she wanted nothing to do with it. What they didn't know was that Aisha wasn't just against them doing it, she would even actively try to prevent it from succeeding.

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