Chapter 17

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Waking up the next morning felt like a dream. She was laying on Riven's bare chest while Sky was drawing shapes on her bare back. All three still naked from the events of the past night.

"Morning princess, did you sleep well?" "Hmm Riv I didn't get that much sleep last night" "Did we wear you out, love?" "Shut up, Sky. I can feel you smirking at Riv right now" laughing a little he stole her from Riven's chest and laid her down on his own while stealing a quick kiss.

"Should we go get some breakfast, love?" "Hmm I see some breakfast right here, mate" "Riv, shut up. You guys kept me up all night last night. The least you could do is give me some food before we do it again" "fine, princess, do you need some clothes?" "Can I borrow a shirt? I can wear yesterday's jeans." "Anytime love, our clothes look better on you anyway"

Getting up, Michelle got dressed and asked the boys if they had any idea when her stuff would be here. "I hope not too soon, princess. I love seeing you in our clothes. Now guys will know you're ours." "Oh you think the hickeys on my neck wouldn't have let them know?" Michelle sarcastically responded. "Hmm true, love, how about we make some more?" Pushing Sky away she told him they needed to get ready for breakfast and class. Raising his hands in surrender he laughed a little. "Alright, love, you ready then?" "As ready as I'll ever be."

Walking towards the cafeteria with Riven holding her waist and Sky having his arm around her shoulder, she felt as if nothing could stop her. Everyone looked at them when they entered but Michelle didn't mind. She was with her boys and that's all she could wish for.

While in line she was in between Sky and Riven. Sky behind her with his hand on the small of her back and Riven in front of her, holding her hand. After getting their food, Michelle and the boys went over to sit with Bloom and her friends.

"Hey guys!" Looking up at her older sister she said "hey M, how are yo- what the hell happened to your neck?" Turning red she hid her face in Sky's shoulder while Riven answered the question "Michelle accepted us last night" "I'm not really sure what that means." "It means they slept together, congrats guys" Stella explained to Bloom. "Oh my god, Michelle! You only just met them, what the hell?"

Looking at Riven with a sad look on her face she asked him if they could leave. "Of course, princess. Let's go." Guiding her out of the cafeteria with Sky, the three left.

Stella immediately turned to Bloom again "why did you say that? They are soulmates." "She only met them yesterday and she already slept with them." "Bloom, they love her and I can feel her love for them growing and growing. You need to understand that soulmates are different. There is no too soon. They are meant for each other." Musa explained to the ginger girl. Feeling a bit bad about what she said to her sister she told the group she would go find them and apologize. "I would wait for a bit, Bloom. Sky and Riven don't look like they take someone hurting their mate very well." Aisha interjected. "She's my sister, I have to go apologize. I'll meet you in class in a few minutes." And off she went.

"Hey, princess, look at me." Looking at Riven with a sad look on her face she allowed him to continue "don't listen to what she says. Sky and I love you. You are our mate. This isn't just a regular boyfriend girlfriend relationship. You are made for us and we were made for you. As long as it feels good for us that's all that's needed, okay?" "Okay, Riv. Thank you" she responded while smiling a little at him. "You guys are amazing" she added. "You're the amazing one, love." Sky said to her.

Seeing her little sister coming towards her she immediately snuggled deeper into her guys. "M, can we talk?" Bloom asked her sister. "Anything you have to say to me you can say to them." "Okay, I wanted to apologize. I realize that I don't understand a lot about the whole soulmate connection and it wasn't fair of me to judge you. If you are happy then I am too" "thanks, B, that means a lot to me." Standing up to give her little sister a hug, she could feel Sky's and Riven's hesitance to let her go, even if it was just for a few seconds. Feeling a little empty herself while not touching them she understood their hesitance.

"Time for class, love." Sky said while interrupting the hugging sisters. "I'll see you later, okay B?" "Yeah, are we okay?" "We're good B, don't worry" "okay, see you later, M, love you!" "Love you too"

Turning back towards her boys and immediately settling into their arms again she asked Sky if it was really time for class or if it was a trick to get her back to them. "It is time for class, but I did have an ulterior motive, love" "you cheeky asshole" she smirked at him while giving him a soft kiss. "Let's go, princess" Riven interrupted them "you don't want a kiss then?" "I always want a kiss, princess" he said while stealing a kiss after.

Enjoying their kiss, she moaned a little and said "hmm I love you guys." "You keep moaning like that and we won't make it to class, love" "Sky's right, princess. I think a detour is in order." And Michelle couldn't agree more, so off they went to their room, ready for a second round.

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